A Commentary on Jonah
A Commentary on Jonah

A Commentary on Jonah

by Michael Ben Zehabe

5 Rank Score: 5.16 from 8 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 150
Published 8/26/2011
ISBN-13 9781463600358
Designed to get the most from your efforts. The original Hebrew is the right side, and the English translation is on the left side. Contrast is how light exposes reality. Contrast is how justice exposes good from bad. Contrast is how your Bible presents God’s thoughts. For instance: The gentile mariners are alert with fear—the Israelite, Jonah, sleeps in the hold. The gentile mariners cry out to their God—while the Israelite, Jonah, keeps his mouth shut. The gentile mariners fight for their lives—the Israelite, Jonah, voluntarily forfeits his own. Contrast, contrast, contrast. Do we learn anything from these contrasts?


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Literary Sparks Literary Sparks December 26, 2017
I have grandchildren who use this in their homeschool group, but I use it more than they do.
Mike DaVoice Mike DaVoice December 5, 2017
Met the author a a book signing for homeschooling parents. He seems to have solved my timidity of teaching Hebrew to Christian students. The book does all the work, but the publisher also offers flash cards, CD's, and other books (All under the title of The Jonah Project). Profound and simple. Rare combination.
Ed Cluse Ed Cluse October 2, 2013
Met the author at a book signing last week, where I bought a commentary on Jonah. I'm only half way through and I have learned more in these few days than I have in the last few years. Really like this book.
Jeff Kelley Jeff Kelley September 29, 2013
What a great insight to a Bible book that takes up no more than four pages in your Bible. Michael Ben Zehabe pulled out some fantastic nuggets that I completely missed. What a fun read that will stay with me for the rest of my life.
RandyBabbs RandyBabbs August 15, 2013
This was just fun--from beginning to end. Fun!
Zachary Farina Zachary Farina April 22, 2013
Mr. Ben Zehabe was a guest speaker at our church group. I learned fascinating details hidden in Jonah that I couldn't believe. Read the book in one night, but I will be re-reading it forever.
Brenda Brenda November 24, 2012
We read this in our Hebrew class. It was fun. I've never seen Jonah as a real person. That's what makes this book so cute, but educational.
Professor Haber Professor Haber November 17, 2012
I read this book last year, and adopted its use in my curriculum. The thing I enjoy most about this book is its surprising and unusual approach to understanding Jonah. A fresh way to teach this book.