

in New Covenant Commentary Series

by Lynn H. Cohick

5 Rank Score: 5.42 from 1 reviews, 3 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 176
Publisher Cascade Books
Published 5/1/2010
ISBN-13 9781606081419
Ephesians speaks to our deepest questions about God: the redemptive plan of God from ages past now revealed; the work of Christ complwrittenete and effective now and for eternity; the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives and build a community. The clear message of God's unfathomable grace establishes the believer's hope and undergirds the call for faithful living. Down through the centuries, the clarion call to unity that permeates Ephesians has inspired and challenged the faithful to live out the promises found in Christ. This short letter speaks to the twenty-first century's longing for friendship and wholeness.


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Nijay K. Gupta Nijay K. Gupta August 9, 2019
Cohick offers a cogent exposition of Ephesians. Her expertise is in situating Paul within the Jewish and Greco-Roman world. She has written the revised NICNT commentary on Ephesians (forthcoming), which will offer a more comprehensive scholarly treatment of this letter with more direct interaction with academic scholarship. [Full Review]