Synoptic Gospels and Surrounding Issues

A list of the best books on Synoptic Gospels and Surrounding Issues ranked by scholars, journal reviews, and site users.




All Books on Synoptic Gospels and Surrounding Issues

Score Cover Author Title Pages Series Year Tags Links
The Critical Edition of Q Robinson, James M.; Hoffmann, Paul; Kloppenborg, John S. 581 Herm 2000
Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation Stein, Robert H. 302 2001
The Jesus Legend: A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition Eddy, Paul; Boyd, Gregory A. 480 2007
Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels Hays, Richard B. 524 2016
Jesus the Bridegroom: The Origin of the Eschatological Feast as a Wedding Banquet in the Synoptic Gospels Long, Phillip J. 298 2013
Gospels and Tradition: Studies on Redaction Criticism of the Synoptic Gospels Stein, Robert H. 204 1991
Studying the Synoptic Gospels Sanders, E. P.; Davies, Margaret 374 1990
Selah! Harmony Commentary of the Four Gospels Pike, Henry R. 1104 2012
The Synoptic Gospels McKnight, Scot; Riches, John K.; Telford, William R.; Tuckett, Christopher M. 360 NTG 2001
A History of the Synoptic Problem: The Canon, the Text, the Composition, and the Interpretation of the Gospels Dungan, David L. 544 AYBRL 1999
Jesus and the Law in the Synoptic Tradition Banks, Robert J. 324 SNTSMS 2005
Christology and the Synoptic Problem An Argument for Markan Priority Head, Peter M. 356 SNTSMS 2005
The Revival of the Griesbach Hypothesis Tuckett, Christopher M. 264 SNTSMS 2005
Jesus’ Last Week: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels — Volume One (Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series) eds. Notley, R. Steven; Turnage, Marc; Becker, Brian 350 2005
The Language Environment of First Century Judaea: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels—Volume Two (Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series) eds. Buth, Randall; Notley, R. Steven 2014
The Gospel of the Lord: How the Early Church Wrote the Story of Jesus Bird, Michael F. 408 2014
The Synoptic Problem: A Way through the Maze Goodacre, Mark 188 UBW 2004
Matthean Posteriority: An Exploration of Matthew's Use of Mark and Luke as a Solution to the Synoptic Problem MacEwen, Robert K. 224 LNTS 2015
Interpreting the Book of Revelation Michaels, J. Ramsey 150 GNTE 1992
Q in Matthew: Ancient Media, Memory, and Early Scribal Transmission of the Jesus Tradition Kirk, Alan 320 LNTS 2016
Synoptic Studies: The Ampleforth Conferences of 1982 and 1983 Tuckett, Christopher M. 240 LNTS 2015
The Tendencies of the Gospel Tradition Sanders, E. P. 342 SNTSMS 1969
Sayings of the Risen Jesus: Christian Prophecy in the Synoptic Tradition Boring, M. Eugene 327 SNTSMS 1982
Jesus and the Oral Gospel Tradition eds. Wansbrough, Henry 470 LNTS 2004
Matthean Posteriority: An Exploration of Matthew's Use of Mark and Luke as a Solution to the Synoptic Problem MacEwen, Robert K. 336 LNTS 2015
From Good News to Gospels: What Did the First Christians Say about Jesus? Wenham, David 144 2018
The Story of Jesus According to L Paffenroth, Kim 200 LNTS 1997
Jesus, Mark and Q: The Teaching of Jesus and Its Earliest Records Fleddermann, Harry T.; Schröter, Jens; du Toit, David S.; Öhler, Markus; Holmén, Tom; Evans, Craig A.; Downing, F. Gerald; Reiser, Marius; Balla, Peter; Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth 296 LNTS 2001
The Earliest Gospels: The Origins and Transmission of the Earliest Christian Gospels; The Contribution of the Chester Beatty Gospel Codex P45 Freyne, Sean; Hengel, Martin; Gamble, Harry; Stanton, Graham N.; Petersen, William L.; Robinson, James M.; McNamara, Martin; Aland, Barbara; Elliott, J. K.; Hurtado, Larry W.; Horton, Charles 202 LNTS 2004
The Post-Mortem Vindication of Jesus in the Sayings Gospel Q Smith, Daniel A. 224 LNTS 2007
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