Brill Septuagint Commentary Series

TheBrill Septuagint Commentary Series (BSCS) fills a significant gap in biblical studies by providing a literary commentary on the Greek text of the Septuagint (LXX). The LXX is widely recognized as one of the most important interpretations of the Old Testament and one of the most important sources for New Testament study. Whereas there has been much attention devoted to the two testaments, with numerous commentary series having been written, the LXX has been virtually neglected as a set of primary texts used by Jewish and Christian religious communities in the Greco-Roman world.

Each commentary follows a format well known in Greek-text commentaries. This includes an introduction to the textual history of the biblical book and consideration of other historical, theological and related topics. The commentary proper includes the Greek text based upon a single Greek manuscript, a translation of this text, and a section-by-section commentary. This commentary series includes commentaries on the individual books of the LXX in their own right, without extended reference to the Hebrew text.
Series Editors: Stanley E. Porter, Richard S. Hess, and John Jarick



Year Author Title Series
forthcoming White, Aaron W. Judges Brill Septuagint Commentary Series
forthcoming Glenny, W. Edward Ruth Brill Septuagint Commentary Series
forthcoming Mathewson, David L. 1 Reigns (1 Samuel) Brill Septuagint Commentary Series
forthcoming Mathewson, David L. 2 Reigns (2 Samuel) Brill Septuagint Commentary Series
forthcoming Boda, Mark J. Psalms, Odes Brill Septuagint Commentary Series
forthcoming Westfall, Cynthia Long Daniel Brill Septuagint Commentary Series
forthcoming Glenny, W. Edward The Twelve Prophets Brill Septuagint Commentary Series
forthcoming Pitts, Andrew W. Judith and the Prayer of Manasseh Brill Septuagint Commentary Series
forthcoming Porter, Stanley E. 1 Maccabees Brill Septuagint Commentary Series
forthcoming Porter, Stanley E. 2 Maccabees Brill Septuagint Commentary Series