Tom Beetham
The Gospel of Matthew. NICNT. Eerdmans, 2007.
I am a pastor and a studious one. I use commentaries extensively to help me prepare carefully for my sermons. I have used other Matthew commentaries a lot. I really like Blomberg's, and even more so Carson's. I will continue to use both of them. But I have to say that (in agreement with Carson in his Commentary Survey), this commentary by R.T. France is absolutely superb. His writing is clear and utterly helpful. The quality of the scholarship is impressive. It is very helpful to the preacher. It is a pleasure to read. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. My first pick on Matthew.
The Gospel of Matthew. NICNT. Eerdmans, 2007.
I am a pastor and a studious one. I use commentaries extensively to help me prepare carefully for my sermons. I have used other Matthew commentaries a lot. I really like Blomberg's, and even more so Carson's. I will continue to use both of them. But I have to say that (in agreement with Carson in his Commentary Survey), this commentary by R.T. France is absolutely superb. His writing is clear and utterly helpful. The quality of the scholarship is impressive. It is very helpful to the preacher. It is a pleasure to read. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. My first pick on Matthew.
Theology of the New Testament: A Canonical and Synthetic Approach. Zondervan, 2005.
User friendly, clearly written, helpfully explanatory of the text, themes within books. A true treasure. Highly recommended!