Scott W. Kay

Scott W. Kay

Occupation Pastor
Education M.Div.


Lane, William L. Hebrews. 2 Vols. WBC. Thomas Nelson, 1991.
Scott W. Kay Scott W. Kay March 20, 2010
This is clearly the top commentary on Hebrews. While Bruce is also helpful, Lane is aware of his work, and far surpasses it in most regards. Lane is quite thorough, often technical, but consistently helpful on interpreting this difficult book in light of background and setting, textual questions, and original languages (since Hebrews has many Septuagint references), and yet Lane frequently yields excellent pastoral insights. Preaching or teaching Hebrews without consulting Lane would be an exercise in neglect.
Carson, D. A. The Gospel according to John. PNTC. Eerdmans, 1990.
Scott W. Kay Scott W. Kay March 20, 2010
This is by far the best commentary on John currently available. As one would expect from Carson, this commentary is both technically helpful, yet frequently pastorally insightful. Carson is aware of Morris's work, and often eclipses him. A more helpful commentary could hardly be hoped for if one is aiming at thoroughgoing expository teaching/preaching.