


Morales, L. Michael. Numbers. 2 Vols. ApOTC. IVP Academic, 2024.
RobertWalton RobertWalton February 12, 2025
Volume two fulfills and completes the vision and ambition of volume one. The editor who saw the wisdom in breaking form with the series and allowing Morales two volumes instead of one in which to present his commentary was obviously prompted by the Holy Spirit. This set is more than a gift. It's a scholarly mitzvah.
Heiser, Michael S. The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible. Lexham Press, 2016.
RobertWalton RobertWalton February 2, 2025
Back in September of 1981 I took my seat for Baruch Halpern's Introduction to the Old Testament at York University. We didn't get through the first class before we were talking about the Elohim, both singular and plural. God's Holy Mountain soon followed, as did God's 'wife' and 'Court'. Heiser rightly claims it isn't "Mike" saying this when he discusses his research. Biblical scholars have long known of the "Unseen Realm" as did the authors who composed the texts that immortalized the supernatural. These revelations saved my faith in 1981 and finally made the Bible sensible to me. I haven't come across "The Unseen Realm" a lot in commentaries (though many scholars have taken notice of it in Mark recently--it seems to be confined to monographs and journals), so it's gratifying to have a scholar as competent as Heiser write an introductory text (accompanied by over 400 podcasts on The Naked Bible website) on the overall arch of the subject. If you're interested in the story behind the story in the Bible this is the best place to start. From here you can take it in any direction your studies desire, or not. I saw a YouTube heading, "Are We Wiser with Heiser?" I didn't bother with the video, but the question is one worth considering. The analogy for me is driving a car. Sure, it may get you to where you want to go, but aren't you curious about what's under the hood? What makes that car run? If it breaks down you just may require a mechanic of Heiser's caliber and expertise to get back on the road again. I'm indebted to Baruch Halpern for setting me on this path. I am equally grateful to Michael Heiser for widening the road.
Block, Daniel I. The Gospel according to Moses: A Commentary on Deuteronomy. 3 Vols. Inspirata Publishing, 2024.
RobertWalton RobertWalton December 12, 2024
This three volume set expands greatly upon Block's commentary for the NIVAC series (going from 880 pages to 1300) and was produced with the permission and co-operation of the good editors at Zondervan. Block writes in his introduction: "The result of my decade-long conversation with Moses was a 1250 page manuscript that I sent to Zondervan. Unfortunately the limitations of the series forced me to eliminate much of my exegetical homework and more detailed consideration of many subjects." That has now been restored. For me, the premiere glory of this set is Block's own translation of the text which digs deeper into the Hebrew than the NIV. Breaking the commentary into three volumes does increase the cost significantly considering the volumes are Print On Demand. That said, the quality of the book and the text block is as good as any standard academic publisher (and better than some I could name!). Those familiar with Block will expect a high level of scholarship. A knowledge of Hebrew will always place a reader at an advantage. I am not at that level at all, but have no issues navigating the text. If you're a fan of Block's NIVAC volume, this set will take you deeper into the world of Moses and the Torah. It also marks the final realization of his commentary as he'd first presented it.
Block, Daniel I. The Gospel according to Moses, Volume 1: A Commentary on Deuteronomy 1–11. Inspirata Publishing, 2023.
RobertWalton RobertWalton December 12, 2024
This three volume set expands greatly upon Block's commentary for the NIVAC series (going from 880 pages to 1300) and was produced with the permission and co-operation of the good editors at Zondervan. Block writes in his introduction: "The result of my decade-long conversation with Moses was a 1250 page manuscript that I sent to Zondervan. Unfortunately the limitations of the series forced me to eliminate much of my exegetical homework and more detailed consideration of many subjects." That has now been restored. For me, the premiere glory of this set is Block's own translation of the text which digs deeper into the Hebrew than the NIV. Breaking the commentary into three volumes does increase the cost significantly considering the volumes are Print On Demand. That said, the quality of the book and the text block is as good as any standard academic publisher (and better than some I could name!). Those familiar with Block will expect a high level of scholarship. A knowledge of Hebrew will always place a reader at an advantage. I am not at that level at all, but have no issues navigating the text. If you're a fan of Block's NIVAC volume, this set will take you deeper into the world of Moses and the Torah. It also marks the final realization of his commentary as he'd first presented it.
Black, C. Clifton. Mark. ANTC. Abingdon Press, 2010.
RobertWalton RobertWalton August 9, 2024
I found this commentary an excellent breath of fresh air. Prof. Black writes from a threefold position: What We Cannot Know, What We Can Infer, and What We May Judge. In the first category is authorship and provenance. On authorship he simply states: "The book's interpretation should not be governed by speculation either about an author who never identifies himself or about Peter's preaching, to which we have no firsthand access. If the gospel's author (...) was not preoccupied with his identity, then neither need we be. (28)" On Provenance he offers 5 options but concludes, "...if irrefutable proof emerged that Mark originated in Syria, Galilee, or someplace else, it would not alter the interpretation that this commentary offers. (30)". What we may infer are the priority of Mark, the date, and use of traditional sources. On the genre of Mark, Black writes, "Forcing the Second Gospel into a single pigeon hole is as unwise as dismissing the generic question altogether. Comprising--occasionally twisting--many literary conventions, Mark is, at bottom, a religious proclamation based on historical events. Experienced aurally, the Gospel exerts extraordinary power... (34). Finally, What We May Judge includes Mark's influence in the Church and its reception to a Church in travail. "...unresolved tension pulsates throughout Mark... How can the time have been fulfilled, yet God's sovereignty be only near, not yet arrived? (37)". Lastly is Living with Jesus in the Kingdom's Mystery. The Second Gospel presents a genuine mystery. Do we ever have the whole story? Witness accounts remain subjective and suspect. The Truth is in the puzzling, not in the solution because 'puzzling' has its value. "It is to Mark's everlasting credit that he never "explains" the mystery of the kingdom of God... Genuine mystery, which penetrates and upends this world, is given and withheld, concealed and revealed by God alone. (40)" Fear and Faith. Mystery and Explanation. Puzzle and Solution. These are signposts along the Way of this commentary. Prof. Black doesn't concern the reader with what we cannot know, only what we can infer or judge. This makes for a surprisingly rich and rewarding read that I have returned to multiple times. It is certainly proof that a commentary need not be 'big' or overly technical (which I also enjoy) to mine the riches of a biblical text. I found this commentary enlightening and thought provoking. I hope others do too. The physical book is of medium quality with a cover that will peel and dogear quickly with use. In case it is important to anyone: I have denominational standpoint. I am not a scholar or student.
Morales, L. Michael. Numbers 1–19. ApOTC. Apollos, 2024.
RobertWalton RobertWalton August 9, 2024
Anyone familiar with the author's work on Leviticus (Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord?) will know what to expect from his commentary on Numbers. It is a thoroughly engaging commentary that will surprise and help to enlarge your appreciation for a difficult and neglected book. As with his book on Leviticus, Morales includes many illustrated diagrams to assist in visualizing theological concepts. This is a commentary of deep faith that will reward the reader's time and effort. I would refer people to Thomas Creedy's complete review of both volumes. Although he was the editor on the books, I find his enthusiasm and assessment fully justified.