Judges: Such a Great Salvation. FB. Christian Focus, 2000.
Dale Ralph Davis does an excellent job on covering the judges, bringing us into the time period and getting us to feel what was felt back then (largely pain). He writes well, he applies well. You can't go wrong in getting a Davis commentary.
2 Samuel: Out of Every Adversity. FB. Christian Focus, 1999.
Davis doesn't suddenly drop off in form when he gets to 2 Samuel.
Another excellent commentary by a great commentator.
1 Samuel: Looking on the Heart. FB. Christian Focus, 2000.
If it's written by Dale Ralph Davis, get it!!
He is brilliant. He overviews a chapter, highlighting the main theme, but never fails to bring out intriguing insights.
He is also very easy to read. No one write more interesting commentaries than Davis. This is great, as Bible study should be enjoyable. As Davis explains passages, he expertly explains the gravity of situations such as war and missing arks, but also explains the levity of situations with a use of humor, taken from the funny parts of Samuel itself.
This is not only the best commentary on 1 Samuel, but, for mine, perhaps the best commentary by anyone on anything. Certainly, this is the most enjoyable commentary I have engaged with. Worth more than 5 stars.
1, 2 Peter, Jude. NAC. Broadman & Holman, 2003.
Excellent piece of work. Was required to read for my studies in 1 Peter, but glad to have had the opportunity to engage with an excellent work.
The Message of 1 Peter. BST. InterVarsity Press, 1994.
Edmund Clowney's work is incredible. He has a great way of providing big picture and still giving finer details. His approach to the controversial portions is excellent, and I love the way he goes about his presentation. Detailed, yet accessible, it's the best 1 Peter commentary I have read.