Dan Chen

Dan Chen


Arnold, Bill T. Genesis. NCBC. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Dan Chen Dan Chen March 14, 2020
I was leading a bible study and preaching parts of Genesis, and of all the commentaries I looked at (others being WBC, NCBC, NICOT, and Interpretation), I found this commentary to consistently provide the exegetical data on the questions that I personally had and felt the congregation might have. The other commentaries are great, don't get be wrong, but didn't really focus on questions that I feel like lay people might be asking about the passages, and were more geared toward academia. The theological analysis is conservative, and on the topics it does choose to cover, it is thorough enough as a reference for checking your own exegesis. Obviously this is best used in conjunction with other commentaries to provide more depth and other commentaries might do a better job on certain verses, but if I had to choose just one Genesis commentary as I preach/teach through it, I would choose NCBC.