Mark. PAI. Baker Academic, 2011.
A superb commentary that is concise, precise and extremely reader-friendly in its approach. A must-have commentary for students of the Word and Pastors. Mary Ann Beavis has really done a wonderful job in only 330-plus pages to hit home the Message of Mark.
Arnold, Clinton E. ed. Matthew. ZECNT. Zondervan, 2010.
Excellent commentary with very solid academic and exegetical input. One of the best commentaries on Matthew - not too technical but adequately balanced for the student and pastor or teacher of the Word.
Genesis. BTCB. Brazos Press, 2010.
Overall a helpful commentary that is somewhere between Pastoral and Technical. While a little skewed towards his own pet themes, Reno's work is nevertheless a decent volume with fresh perspectives and insights.
Will make a great addition to anyone's OT Library. Certainly among the better commentaries on Genesis that I've read in a while.
Exalting Jesus in Matthew. CCE. Broadman & Holman, 2013.
Very good devotional commentary that serves as an easy-read or a first commentary for anyone wanting to delve into the book of Matthew.
Arnold, Clinton E. ed. Matthew. ZECNT. Zondervan, 2010.
A very good commentary which covers lots of difficult passages with insightful perspectives. Exegetical outlines also prove to be very useful. Among the best commentaries available on Matthew today.