Literary Criticism

A list of the best books on Literary Criticism ranked by scholars, journal reviews, and site users.



All Books on Literary Criticism

Score Cover Author Title Pages Series Year Tags Links
The New Literary Criticism and the New Testament Malbon, Elizabeth Struthers; McKnight, Edgar V.; Donahue, John R.; Darr, John A.; Anderson, Janice Capel; Dewey, Joanna; Robbins, Vernon K.; Wire, Antoinette Clark; Castelli, Elizabeth A.; Pippin, Tina; Moore, Stephen D.; Phillips, Gary A.; Via, Dan O.; Beardslee, William A. 400 LNTS 1994
The Graeco-Roman Context of Early Christian Literature Garrison, Roman 130 LNTS 1997
How Old Is the Hebrew Bible? A Linguistic, Textual, and Historical Study Hendel, Ronald S.; Joosten, Jan 232 AYBRL 2019
Sentence Conjunctions in the Gospel of Matthew: kai, de, tote, gar, oun and Asyndeton in Narrative Discourse Black, Stephanie L. 426 LNTS 2002
Contours in the Text: Textual Variation in the Writings of Paul, Josephus and the Yahad Norton, Jonathan D. H. 224 LNTS 2011
Literary Theory and the New Testament Dinkler, Michal Beth 296 AYBRL 2019
Reading with the Grain of Scripture Hays, Richard B. 479 2020