Mercy Hill Church Commentary Recommendations
by DrewJohnson
Each one of these books will aid you in better understanding a particular book of the Bible. All of these selections are ones that you can read and use to understand a book of the Bible and God better. If you are looking for a more technical or scholarly book after you’ve read one of these explore this website or message me for another recommendation.
Go at your own pace, with each new book plan on a decent amount of reading up front that sets the table for how the author understands the particular book, it’s place in history, and it’s place in the broader story of the Bible. Then, read the book with the Bible open next to you. Commentaries are amazing books because they are really aimed to in service of a different book - and commentaries on the books of the Bible are in service of the particular and broad story of God’s revelation through scripture.
This collection has 1 books in 1 categories.