The Holy Spirit And Christian Origins: Essays In Honor Of James D. G. Dunn
"The Holy Spirit and Christian Origins" is comprised of original essays exploring a topic that has held a prominent and distinctive place in the majority of Professor Dunn’s publications. Written by twenty-seven leading scholars, this singular volume probes deep into the nascent Christian communities and their writings and investigates the early Christians’ convictions concerning the Holy Spirit. Ranging widely through Scripture and across early church history, many of these essays introduce groundbreaking research in biblical studies, and some engage directly with Dunn’s work in the field.
Presenting some of the best new work in New Testament studies as well as celebrating a respected career, "The Holy Spirit and Christian Origins" will help to stimulate further discussion and reflection in the theological academy and in the Christian church — two sectors that Jimmy Dunn has consistently and passionately sought to straddle, nurture, and refresh.
- Robert Banks
- John M. G. Barclay
- Richard Bauckham
- Peder Borgen
- David Catchpole
- Gordon D. Fee
- Victor Paul Furnish
- Beverly Roberts Gaventa
- Joel B. Green
- Morna D. Hooker
- Robert Jewett
- Hermann Lichtenberger
- Bruce W. Longenecker
- Ulrich Luz
- I. Howard Marshall
- Scot McKnight
- R. W. L. Moberly
- Robert Morgan
- J. Lionel North
- Graham N. Stanton
- Loren T. Stuckenbruck
- Peter Stuhlmacher
- Anthony C. Thiselton
- Marianne Meye Thompson
- Paul Trebilco
- Max Turner
- Alexander J. M. Wedderburn
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- The Holy Spirit in the Pastoral Epistles and the Apostolic Fathers by I. Howard Marshall
- Unity and diversity in New Testament talk of the Spirit by Robert C. Morgan
- Spirits and demons in the Dead Sea scrolls by Hermann Lichtenberger
- John's baptism : a prophetic sign by Morna D. Hooker
- Covenant and spirit : the origins of the new covenant hermeneutic by Scot McKnight
- Spiritual remembering : John 14.26 by Peter Stuhlmacher
- The breath of life : John 20:22-23 once more by Marianne Meye Thompson
- Initiatives divine and human in the Lukan story world by Beverly Roberts Gaventa
- Rome's victory and God's honour : the Jerusalem Temple and the Spirit of God in Lukan theodicy by Bruce W. Longenecker
- The Spirit and salvation in Luke-Acts by Max Turner
- The role of charismatic and noncharismatic factors in determining Paul's movements in Acts by Robert J. Banks
- Paul as mystic by Ulrich Luz
- Pauline pneumatology and Pauline theology by Alexander J. M. Wedderburn
- [Pneumatikos] in the social dialect of Pauline Christianity by John M. G. Barclay
- Who and where is the "wretched man" of Romans 7, and why is "she" wretched? by David R. Catchpole
- The contrite wrongdoer : condemned or set free by the Spirit? : Romans 7:7-8:4 by Peder Borgen
- The question of the "apportioned Spirit" in Paul's letters : Romans as a case study by Robert Jewett
- The Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians : exegesis and reception history in the patristic era by Anthony C. Thiselton
- The Spirit in 2 Thessalonians by Victor Paul Furnish
- The significance and relevance of the Spirit in the Pastoral Epistles by Paul R. Trebilco
- The Spirit of God in us loathes envy : James 4:5 by Richard J. Bauckham
- Faithful witness in the diaspora : the Holy Spirit and the exiled people of God according to 1 Peter by Joel B. Green
- "Test the spirits" : God, love, and critical discernment in 1 John 4 by R. W. L. Moberly
- The Holy Spirit in the Ascension of Isaiah by Loren T. Stuckenbruck
- The Spirit in the writings of Justin Martyr by Graham N. Stanton
- The transformation of some New Testament texts in fourth- and fifth-century disputes about [pneuma] by J. Lionel North
- Translational Tendenz : English versions and [pneuma] in Paul by Gordon D. Fee