The Holy Spirit And Christian Origins: Essays In Honor Of James D. G. Dunn
The Holy Spirit And Christian Origins: Essays In Honor Of James D. G. Dunn

The Holy Spirit And Christian Origins: Essays In Honor Of James D. G. Dunn

by I. Howard Marshall, Robert C. Morgan, Hermann Lichtenberger, Morna D. Hooker, Scot McKnight, Peter Stuhlmacher, Marianne Meye Thompson, Beverly Roberts Gaventa, Bruce W. Longenecker, Max Turner, Robert J. Banks, Ulrich Luz, Alexander J. M. Wedderburn, John M. G. Barclay, David R. Catchpole, Peder Borgen, Robert Jewett, Anthony C. Thiselton, Victor Paul Furnish, Paul R. Trebilco, Richard J. Bauckham, Joel B. Green, R. W. L. Moberly, Loren T. Stuckenbruck, Graham N. Stanton, J. Lionel North, and Gordon D. Fee

5 Rank Score: 5.2 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 382
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 10/15/2004
ISBN-13 9780802828224
James D. G. Dunn is one of the most prolific New Testament scholars of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. And while a handful of scholars might have a list of publications to rival his own extensive publications list, none of them can claim to have set the agenda of scholarly study to the extent that Jimmy Dunn has done for a sustained period of time since the 1970s.

"The Holy Spirit and Christian Origins" is comprised of original essays exploring a topic that has held a prominent and distinctive place in the majority of Professor Dunn’s publications. Written by twenty-seven leading scholars, this singular volume probes deep into the nascent Christian communities and their writings and investigates the early Christians’ convictions concerning the Holy Spirit. Ranging widely through Scripture and across early church history, many of these essays introduce groundbreaking research in biblical studies, and some engage directly with Dunn’s work in the field.

Presenting some of the best new work in New Testament studies as well as celebrating a respected career, "The Holy Spirit and Christian Origins" will help to stimulate further discussion and reflection in the theological academy and in the Christian church — two sectors that Jimmy Dunn has consistently and passionately sought to straddle, nurture, and refresh.


  • Robert Banks
  • John M. G. Barclay
  • Richard Bauckham
  • Peder Borgen
  • David Catchpole
  • Gordon D. Fee
  • Victor Paul Furnish
  • Beverly Roberts Gaventa
  • Joel B. Green
  • Morna D. Hooker
  • Robert Jewett
  • Hermann Lichtenberger
  • Bruce W. Longenecker
  • Ulrich Luz
  • I. Howard Marshall
  • Scot McKnight
  • R. W. L. Moberly
  • Robert Morgan
  • J. Lionel North
  • Graham N. Stanton
  • Loren T. Stuckenbruck
  • Peter Stuhlmacher
  • Anthony C. Thiselton
  • Marianne Meye Thompson
  • Paul Trebilco
  • Max Turner
  • Alexander J. M. Wedderburn

Inner Books

This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently


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James D. G. Dunn has been a major figure in New Testament scholarship from the time of the publication of his Baptism in the Holy Spirit (SBT 2/15; London: SCM; Philadelphia: Westminster, 1970), a revision of his 1968 Cambridge Ph.D. dissertation. A prolific writer since that time, Dunn has contributed widely and creatively to New Testament studies not only on the subject of the Holy Spirit, a principal theme of the present Festschrift, but also on the historical Jesus, Paul and the law, Christian origins, as well as several commentaries on various portions of the New Testament. As for the Festschrift itself, a longtime friend from Dunns student days at Cambridge (Graham Stanton), a former colleague at Durham (Stephen Barton), and a former doctoral student (Bruce Longenecker) have gathered together and edited a wide range of essays in honor of his sixty-fifth birthday. The volume consists of a selection of twenty-seven original articles written by a wide-ranging group of international contributors whose respective vitae are detailed on pages viiixiii. As is conventional of Festschriften, the present work also contains an introductory essay about the honoree in an editors preface (xviiixxii) and an appended list of honorees publications (36075). The volume has one index of names (37682). [Full Review]
As the editors wryly note in their preface, Anyone who is interested in the rigorous study of early Christianity and who has not engaged with the works of Professor James D. G. Dunn is not interested in the rigorous study of early Christianity (xviii). Indeed, particularly in the crucial areas of Jesus and Pauline studies, one would be hard pressed to find a more prolific author of as many significant works in the field over the past thirty-five years. Thus, it is appropriate that Dunn be honored with this excellent Festschrift edited by a close friend, a former student, and a longstanding colleague and specially focused on one of his favorite research topics: the Holy Spirit in early Christianity. The list of contributors is impressive, including scholars outstanding in their own merits and representing a good range of theological persuasions and geographical provenances (viii-xiii). Although any collection such as this will inevitably have its stronger and weaker contributions, this roster of scholars does not disappoint in providing generally high-quality articles. A preface by the editors functions as a brief biblio-biographical essay on Dunn and helpfully orients the reader to the topics addressed in the volume (xviiixxii). [Full Review]