Testimony And Interpretation: Early Christology In Its Judeo-hellenistic Milieu. Studies In Honor Of Petr Pokorný
in Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
A collection of essays on Christology from outstanding New Testament scholars in honour of Professor Petr Pokorný on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
Part 1 deals with Pauline Christology and includes essays by K.P. Donfried (the nature of Paul's Jewishness), R. Hoppe (the Corinthian controversy), L. Tichy (Paul's "mysticism"), J. Schroter (the controversy in Galatians), S.E. Porter (the Dionysian background of Ephesians) and L. J. Kreitzer (the contribution of archaeological evidence when interpreting Colossians, Philemon and Ephesians).
Part 2 is devoted to the Christological problems in the synoptic traditions and includes contributions by M. Myllikoski (the relationship between the oral aspect and the written text in Mark), D.C. Allison (the problem of the hell in Jesus' message), D. Dormeyer (the hellenistic background for the notion of ascension), M. Hengel (the evidence about Jesus outside the Gospels), H. Klein (the Christology of the birth narrative in Matthew), W. Schrage (the Christology of the Sermon on the Mount).
Part 3 examines Johannine Christology and includes essays by J. Bolyki (patterns of ancient drama in John), H Hubner (the question of truth in Heidegger and in John), J.H. Charlesworth (the possible influence of the Enoch traditions on the Johannine concept of the Son of Man), S. Pisarek (the motif of vine) and K. Syreeni (incarnation in the Farewell Discourse).
The last part relates issues of christology to the church, both of old and of today and includes essays from J.M. Court, P. Ellingworth and Z. Sazava.
Part 1 deals with Pauline Christology and includes essays by K.P. Donfried (the nature of Paul's Jewishness), R. Hoppe (the Corinthian controversy), L. Tichy (Paul's "mysticism"), J. Schroter (the controversy in Galatians), S.E. Porter (the Dionysian background of Ephesians) and L. J. Kreitzer (the contribution of archaeological evidence when interpreting Colossians, Philemon and Ephesians).
Part 2 is devoted to the Christological problems in the synoptic traditions and includes contributions by M. Myllikoski (the relationship between the oral aspect and the written text in Mark), D.C. Allison (the problem of the hell in Jesus' message), D. Dormeyer (the hellenistic background for the notion of ascension), M. Hengel (the evidence about Jesus outside the Gospels), H. Klein (the Christology of the birth narrative in Matthew), W. Schrage (the Christology of the Sermon on the Mount).
Part 3 examines Johannine Christology and includes essays by J. Bolyki (patterns of ancient drama in John), H Hubner (the question of truth in Heidegger and in John), J.H. Charlesworth (the possible influence of the Enoch traditions on the Johannine concept of the Son of Man), S. Pisarek (the motif of vine) and K. Syreeni (incarnation in the Farewell Discourse).
The last part relates issues of christology to the church, both of old and of today and includes essays from J.M. Court, P. Ellingworth and Z. Sazava.
- Contents
- List of Contributors
- Introduction (Testimony and Interpretation) - Jan Roskovec
- Part I - Paul, His Teachers and Pupils
- Paul the Jew - But of What Sort? - Karl P. Donfried
- 1 Cor. 8,1-6 as a Part of the Controversy between Paul and the Parish in Corinth - Rudolf Hoppe
- Christ in Paul: The Apostle Paul's Relation to Christ viewed through Galatians 2.20a - Ladislav Tichý
- Die Einheit des Evangeliums. Erwagungen zur christologischen Kontroverse des Galaterbriefes und ihrem Theologie-Geschichtlichen Hintergrund - Jens Schröter
- Ephesians 5.18-19 and its Dionysian Background - Stanley E. Porter
- Living in the Lycus Valley: Earthquake Imagery in Colossians, Philemon and Ephesians - Larry J. Kreitzer
- Part II - Jesus in the Synoptic Tradition
- Mark's Oral Practiceand the Written Gospel of Mark - Matti Myllykoski
- Jesus and Gehenna - Dale C. Allison, Jr.
- Die Apotheose in Seneca "Apocolocyntosis" und die Himmelfahrt Lk 24,50-53; Apg 1,9-11 - Detlev Dormeyer
- Jesuszeugnisse ausserhalb der Evangelien - Martin Hengel
- Die Christologie in der Kindheitsgeschichte des Matthäus am Beispiel von Mt 1,18-25 - Hans Klein
- Bergpredigt und Christologie - Wolfgang Schrage
- Part III - Jesus in the Johannine Perception
- Christology in the Gospel of John. A New Approach - János Bolyki
- Wahrheit und Wort: Heideggers "Vom Wesen der Wahrheit" und Wahrheit im Johannes-Evangelium - Hans Hübner
- Did the Fourth Evangelist Know the Enoch Traditions? - James H. Charlesworth
- Christ the Son and the Father-farmer in the Image of theVine (Jn 15:1-11.12-17) - Stanislaw Pisarek
- Incarnatus est? Christ and Community in the Johannine Farewell Discourse - Kari Syreeni
- Part IV - The Beginnning and Later Developments
- Wo bleibt des Gericht? Eine historische Imagination zu den Anfangen der Christologie - Christoph Demke
- The Witness of the Seer of Patmos - John M. Court
- East and South of Chalcedon - Paul Ellingworth
- New Testament Christology in the Creed, in Preaching and Christian Life - Zdenĕk Sázava
- Select Bibliography of Petr Pokorný
- Index of References
- Index of Authors
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Introduction (Testimony and Interpretation) by Jan Roskovec
- Paul the Jew - But of What Sort? by Karl P. Donfried
- 1 Cor. 8,1-6 as a Part of the Controversy between Paul and the Parish in Corinth by Rudolf Hoppe
- Christ in Paul: The Apostle Paul's Relation to Christ viewed through Galatians 2.20a by Ladislav Tichý
- Die Einheit des Evangeliums. Erwagungen zur christologischen Kontroverse des Galaterbriefes und ihrem Theologie-Geschichtlichen Hintergrund by Jens Schröter
- Ephesians 5.18-19 and its Dionysian Background by Stanley E. Porter
- Living in the Lycus Valley: Earthquake Imagery in Colossians, Philemon and Ephesians by Larry J. Kreitzer
- Mark's Oral Practiceand the Written Gospel of Mark by Matti Myllykoski
- Jesus and Gehenna by Dale C. Allison, Jr.
- Die Apotheose in Seneca "Apocolocyntosis" und die Himmelfahrt Lk 24,50-53; Apg 1,9-11 by Detlev Dormeyer
- Jesuszeugnisse ausserhalb der Evangelien by Martin Hengel
- Die Christologie in der Kindheitsgeschichte des Matthäus am Beispiel von Mt 1,18-25 by Hans Klein
- Bergpredigt und Christologie by Wolfgang Schrage
- Christology in the Gospel of John. A New Approach by János Bolyki
- Wahrheit und Wort: Heideggers "Vom Wesen der Wahrheit" und Wahrheit im Johannes-Evangelium by Hans Hübner
- Did the Fourth Evangelist Know the Enoch Traditions? by James H. Charlesworth
- Christ the Son and the Father-farmer in the Image of theVine (Jn 15:1-11.12-17) by Stanislaw Pisarek
- Incarnatus est? Christ and Community in the Johannine Farewell Discourse by Kari Syreeni
- The Witness of the Seer of Patmos by John M. Court
- East and South of Chalcedon by Paul Ellingworth
- New Testament Christology in the Creed, in Preaching and Christian Life by Zdenĕk Sázava
Testimony and Interpretation: Early Christology in Its Judeo-Hellenistic Milieu: Studies in Honour of Petr Pokorn Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series 272 New York: T&T Clark, 2005. Pp. ix + 328. Hardcover. $150.00. ISBN 0567082989. Leo Percer Liberty Theological Seminary Lynchburg, VA 24502 Anyone who has perused even a fraction of Petr Pokorn s fascinating body of research will find this volume in his honor both fitting and refreshing. In typical Pokorn fashion, this book of articles offers a wide range of material dealing with the importance of early first-century testimony regarding Jesus and the interpretation of the written materials that kept these testimonies intact for later generations. As a result, this book offers a diverse range of concepts dealing with early Christianity and its views on Christology. The book is divided into four parts, each dealing with a different aspect of Christian thought in a roughly chronological fashion. Part 1 deals with Paul, His Teachers and Pupils. Part 2 offers discussion on Jesus in the Synoptic Traditions. Jesus in the Johannine Perception is the focus of part 3, while part 4 concerns The Beginnings and Later Developments of christological thought. The contents of each section will be detailed below with some commentary offered on select articles of interest. Suffice it to say that readers of this volume are certain to find something informative and challenging in each section. Readers will also readily note that not every article contained in this Festschrift deals specifically with the issue of Christology. Some veer off the main topic and investigate related issues of interest. This aspect of the book is actually part of the plan, as detailed in the introduction by editor Jan Roskovec. Since Pokorn s interests were quite varied, the editors felt it best not to limit the topic of each article so as to attain a wider variety of topics. Roskovec provides the readers with some idea of how the various topics fit into the interpretative schema of Pokorn , however, in an effort to keep the text on topic. Part 1 chronologically comes first and presents a variety of articles related to the ministry and writings of Paul and his acquaintances.
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