Doing Theology for the People of God: Studies in Honor of J.I. Packer
InterVarsity Press
- Contents
- Preface : To James I. Packer on his seventieth birthday - Donald M. Lewis, Alister E. McGrath
- Theology : a multidimensional discipline - John R.W. Stott
- Systematic theology as a practical discipline - Kenneth S. Kantzer
- Toward a theology of the biblical text - Roger T. Beckwith
- Recovering baptism for a new age of mission - David F. Wright
- Christology and the quest of the historical Jesus - Colin Brown
- The dance between God and humanity - Bruce K. Waltke
- Grace and truth : the progress of the argument of the prologue of John's gospel - William J. Dumbrell
- Paul doing theology for the Corinthians : Second Corinthians - Paul Barnett
- Prospects for the Pastoral Epistles - I. Howard Marshall
- The importance of tradition for modern evangelicalism - Alister E. McGrath
- James I. Packer's contribution to the doctrine of the inerrancy of scripture ; Appendix: Select bibliography of J.I. Packer's writings on scripture - Roger Nicole
- J.I. Packer and the shaping of American evangelicalism - Mark A. Noll
- Vision for preachers - Peter F. Jensen
- Knowing God : the transmission of reformed theology - James M. Houston
- Immanuel and the purpose of creation - Loren E. Wilkinson
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Prospects for the Pastoral Epistles by I. Howard Marshall
- Preface : To James I. Packer on his seventieth birthday by Donald M. Lewis and Alister E. McGrath
- Theology : a multidimensional discipline by John R. W. Stott
- Systematic theology as a practical discipline by Kenneth S. Kantzer
- Toward a theology of the biblical text by Roger T. Beckwith
- Recovering baptism for a new age of mission by David F. Wright
- Christology and the quest of the historical Jesus by Colin Brown
- The dance between God and humanity by Bruce K. Waltke
- Grace and truth : the progress of the argument of the prologue of John's gospel by William J. Dumbrell
- Paul doing theology for the Corinthians : Second Corinthians by Paul W. Barnett
- The importance of tradition for modern evangelicalism by Alister E. McGrath
- James I. Packer's contribution to the doctrine of the inerrancy of scripture ; Appendix: Select bibliography of J.I. Packer's writings on scripture by Roger Nicole
- J.I. Packer and the shaping of American evangelicalism by Mark A. Noll
- Vision for preachers by Peter F. Jensen
- Knowing God : the transmission of reformed theology by James M. Houston
- Immanuel and the purpose of creation by Loren E. Wilkinson