New Testament Interpretation : Essays on Principles and Methods
Paternoster Press
- Table of Contents
- Editor's Foreword
- Introduction - I. Howard Marshall
- Part I - The Background To Interpretation
- The History of New Testament Study - F.F. Bruce
- Presuppositions in New Testament Criticism - Graham N. Stanton
- Part II - The Use of Critical Methods in Interpretation
- Semantics and New Testament Interpretation - Anthony C. Thiselton
- Questions of Introduction - Donald Guthrie
- The Religious Background - John W. Drane
- Historical Criticism - I. Howard Marshall
- Source Criticism - David Wenham
- Form Criticism - Stephen H. Travis
- Tradition History - David R. Catchpole
- Redaction Criticism - Stephen S. Smalley
- Part III - The Task of Exegesis
- How the New Testament Uses the Old - E. Earle Ellis
- Approaches To New Testament Exegesis - Ralph P. Martin
- Exegesis in Practice: Two Examples - R.T. France
- Part IV - The New Testament and the Modern Reader
- Demythologising - The Problem of Myth in the New Testament - James D.G. Dunn
- The New Hermeneutic - Anthony C. Thiselton
- The Authority of the New Testament - Robin Nixon
- Expounding the New Testament - John Goldingay
- Bibliography
- Indexes
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Historical criticism by I. Howard Marshall
- The History of New Testament Study by F. F. Bruce
- Presuppositions in New Testament Criticism by Graham N. Stanton
- Semantics and New Testament Interpretation by Anthony C. Thiselton
- Questions of Introduction by Donald Guthrie
- The Religious Background by John W. Drane
- Source Criticism by David Wenham
- Form Criticism by Stephen H. Travis
- Tradition History by David R. Catchpole
- Redaction Criticism by Stephen S. Smalley
- How the New Testament Uses the Old by E. Earle Ellis
- Approaches To New Testament Exegesis by Ralph P. Martin
- Exegesis in Practice: Two Examples by R. T. France
- Demythologising - The Problem of Myth in the New Testament by James D. G. Dunn
- The New Hermeneutic by Anthony C. Thiselton
- The Authority of the New Testament by Robin Nixon
- Expounding the New Testament by John Goldingay