Hearing the Old Testament in the New Testament
Hearing the Old Testament in the New Testament

Hearing the Old Testament in the New Testament

in McMaster New Testament Studies

by James W. Aageson, Craig A. Evans, Sylvia C. Keesmaat, Michael P. Knowles, Andreas J. Köstenberger, R. Timothy McLay, Paul Miller, Kurt A. Richardson, and Dennis L. Stamps

5 Rank Score: 5.22 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 316
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 8/10/2006
ISBN-13 9780802828460
How does the New Testament echo the Old? Which versions of the Hebrew Scriptures were authoritative for New Testament writers? The appearance of concepts, images, and passages from the Old Testament in the books of the New raises important questions about textual versions, allusions, and the differences between ancient and modern meaning.

Presenting essays from a range of distinguished scholars, Hearing the Old Testament in the New Testament begins by laying out the foundational issues and then investigates the use of the Old Testament in specific segments of the New Testament. A concluding chapter by Andreas Köstenberger both questions and affirms the previous contributors’ findings, offering much-needed direction for further inquiry into this vital area of biblical study.


James W. Aageson
Craig A. Evans
Sylvia C. Keesmaat
Michael P. Knowles
Andreas J. Köstenberger
R. Timothy McLay
Paul Miller
Stanley E. Porter
Kurt Anders Richardson
Dennis L. Stamps


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Der Herausgeber Stanley E. Porter, bekannt durch seine editorische Tätigkeit wie durch seine Publikationen zur Fragestellung, versammelt in „Hearing the Old Testament in the New Testament“ die Vorträge des 9. H.H. Bingham Colloquium in New Testament von 2003. Das Kolloquium wendet sich an Studierende und an Laien, so dass auch der Sammelband wissenschaftlich abgesichert ein breites Publikum im Blick hat. Auf die Einleitung des Herausgebers folgt der Beitrag „The Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament as Rhetorical Device: A Methodological Proposal“ (9–37) von D. L. Stamps. Stamps fordert zu Recht größere definitorische Klarheit und methodische Präzision. Sein eigener Ansatz erweitert die Diskussion um die Schriftrezeption um eine hermeneutische Variante aus der oralen Kultur: der rhetorischen Fragestellung. Er liest damit die neutestamentliche Schriftrezeption vor ihrem hellenistischen Hintergrund, in dem die Verwendung autoritativer Texte zur Klärung und Unterstützung eigener Argumentation in der Rhetorik, definiert als „the ways and means employed in a text to persuade and the effect(s) of those ways and means“ (26), eine beachtenswerte Rolle spielt. Diese persuasorische Funktion gehört nach Stamps in die Auseinandersetzung des frühen Christentums mit seiner antiken Mitwelt hinein, wo sie der Stabilisierung der eigenen Identität dient. [Full Review]
The field of study that occupies itself with researching the occurrence, use, and interpretation of “the Old Testament” in “the New Testament” continues to share the center stage of biblical scholarship. Developments and discoveries regarding the text of the Old Testament and the rhetoric employed by ancient authors, as well as better insight into the intercultural interface of the first century C.E., assist in a better understanding of early Christian hermeneutics. Stanley Porter’s collection of essays Hearing the Old Testament in the New Testament certainly is a welcome compendium of the latest viewpoints in this regard and makes an invaluable contribution on several aspects in this complex field, although “The final word is far from having been said on such an important topic” (vii). The book consists of twelve essays that are neatly wrapped by the first essay, an introduction written by the editor himself, and the last essay, a response written by Andreas J. Köstenberger. The list of contributing authors reads almost like a “Who’s Who” of North American scholars in this field and includes prominent and well-known names, not least that of Porter himself. [Full Review]