The Thessalonian Correspondence (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium)
Leuven University Press
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Election and calling to salvation in 1 and 2 Thessalonians by I. Howard Marshall
- 1 Thessalonians, Acts and the early Paul by Karl P. Donfried
- Luke's account of Paul in Thessalonica (Acts 17,1-9) by C. Manus
- Jason of Thessalonica (Acts 17,5-9) by F. Morgan-Gillman
- Pauline presuppositions by J. Plevnik
- Paul's Eisodos: the proclaimed and the proclaimer (1 Thes 2,8) by J. Gillman
- La composition de 1 Thessaloniciens by Albert Vanhoye
- Paulus und die Thessalonicherbriefe by H. Binder
- The rhetoric of 1 Thessalonians by Frank W. Hughes
- The argumentative structure of 1 Thessalonians as paradoxical encomium by Wilhelm Wuellner
- "Der ganze Zorn ist schon ?ber sie gekommen": Bemerkungen zur Interpolationshypothese und zur Interpretation von 1 Thes 2,14-16 by Ingo Broer
- Synoptic tradition in 1 Thessalonians? by Christopher M. Tuckett
- Thanksgivings in 1 Thessalonians 1-3 by Jan Lambrecht
- L'eschatologie en 1 Thessaloniciens dans une perspective rh‚torique by René Kieffer
- Consolatory patterns? 1 Thes 4,13.18;5-11 by Juan Chapa
- The original setting of the Christos apethanen Hyper formula by H. J. De Jonge
- L'intervention de Dieu selon 1 Thes 5,23-24 by P. Langevin
- The imitation of Paul in the Letters to the Thessalonians by M. Getty
- The judgment on the Jews and the salvation of all Israel: 1 Thes 2,15-16 and Rom 11,25-26 by T. Holtz
- Die Ethik des 1 Thessalonicherbriefes by Udo Schnelle
- Jewish ethics and gentile converts: remarks on 1 Thes 4,3-8 by George Carras
- Brautwerbung - das einheitliche Thema von 1 Thess 4,3-8 by N. Baumert
- The fate of the dead according to 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15 by J. Delobel
- Les fils du Jour (1 Thes 5,5) by C. Focant
- The use of zao in 1 Thessalonians: a comparison with zaw/zwh in the Gospel of John, by Jan Van Der Watt
- The structure of 2 Thessalonians by Maarten J. J. Menken
- The syntactical style of 2 Thessalonians: how Pauline is it? by D. Schmidt
- "A letter supposedly from us": a contribution to the discussion about the authorship of 2 Thessalonians by Glenn S. Holland
- Paulinische Autorit„t in nachpaulinischer Zeit (2 Thes) by F. Laub
- The struggle against heresy in the Thessalonian correspondence and the origin of the Apostolic tradition by A. Aarde
- "The Gospel of Our Lord Jesus" (2 Thes 1,8): a symbolic shift of paradigm by Raymond F. Collins
- From Paul's eschatology to the apocalyptic schemata of 2 Thessalonians by Helmut Koester
- 2 Thessalonians 2 re-read as pseudepigraphal: a revised reaffirmation of The threat to faith by C. Giblin
- The eschatology of 2 Thessalonians as included in a communication by Lars Hartman
- Jesus as the apocalyptic benefactor in Second Thessalonians by Frederick W. Danker and Robert Jewett
- The concept of tradition and 1 and 2 Thessalonians by C. Stichele
- Traditions held fast: theology and fidelity in 2 Thessalonians by Edgar M. Krentz
- The goodness and dignity of man in the Christian tradition by Thomas F. Torrance