"Behind the Text": History and Biblical Interpretation
"Behind the Text": History and Biblical Interpretation

"Behind the Text": History and Biblical Interpretation

in Scripture and Hermeneutics Series

by Craig G. Bartholomew, C. Stephen Evans, Mary Healy, and Murray Rae

Pages 576
Publisher Zondervan
Published 12/1/2003
ISBN-13 978-0310234142
Christianity believes in a God who acts in history. The Bible tells us the story of God’s actions in Israel, culminating in the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth and the spreading of the gospel from Jerusalem to Rome. The issue of history is thus unavoidable when it comes to reading the Bible Volume 4 of the Scripture and Hermeneutics Series looks at how history has dominated biblical studies under the guise of historical criticism. This book explores ways in which different views of history influence interpretation. It considers the implications of a theology of history for biblical exegesis, and in several case studies it relates these insights to particular texts.


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