It Is Written: Scripture Citing Scripture: Essays in Honour of Barnabas Lindars, SSF
Cambridge University Press
This festschrift aims both to survey and advance research on the use of the Hebrew Scriptures within the Bible as a whole. An international team of scholars, chosen for their expertise as well as their association with Barnabas Lindars, cover between them the major divisions of the Old Testament and Intertestamental literature as well as the writings of the New Testament. The work thus makes a contribution to such areas of interest as midrash, apocalyptic, a developing understanding of canon, the nature of prophecy and fulfilment and the literary genres used by biblical writers. It should be of interest to a broad spectrum of students and scholars of theology as well as clergy.
- Contents
- Preface
- Bibliographical note
- Abbreviations
- 1. An assessment of recent developments I. Howard Marshall
- Part I. The Old Testament in the Old Testament
- 2. History H. G. M. Williamson
- 3. Prophecy John Day
- 4. Psalms A. A. Anderson
- 5. Wisdom R. E. Clements
- Part II. Between the Testaments
- 6. Translating the Old Testament S. P. Brock
- 7. Retelling the Old Testament Philip S. Alexander
- 8. Commenting on the Old Testament B.D. Chilton
- 9. Citing the Old Testament Andrew Chester
- 10. Apocalyptic Literature Christopher Rowland
- Part III. The Old Testament in the New Testament
- 11. Text Form Max Wilcox
- 12. Matthew Graham Stanton
- 13. Mark Morna D. Hooker
- 14. Luke/Acts C. K. Barrett
- 15. John and the Johannine Epistles D. A. Carson
- 16. The Pauline Literature D. Moody Smith
- 17. Hebrews A.T. Hanson
- 18. James, 1 and 2 Peter, Jude Richard Bauckham
- 19. Revelation G. K. Beale
- Indexes.
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- An assessment of recent developments by I. Howard Marshall
- History by
- Prophecy by John Day
- Psalms by A. A. Anderson
- Wisdom by Ronald E. Clements
- Translating the Old Testament by Sebastian P. Brock
- Retelling the Old Testament by Philip S. Alexander
- Commenting on the Old Testament by Bruce D. Chilton
- Citing the Old Testament by Andrew Chester
- Apocalyptic Literature by Christopher Rowland
- Text Form by Max Wilcox
- Matthew by Graham N. Stanton
- Mark by Morna D. Hooker
- Luke/Acts by Charles K. Barrett
- John and the Johannine Epistles by D. A. Carson
- The Pauline Literature by Dwight Moody Smith
- Hebrews by Anthony T. Hanson
- James, 1 and 2 Peter, Jude by Richard J. Bauckham
- Revelation by G. K. Beale