The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship
The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship

The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship

by Walter Brueggemann

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 256
Publisher Augsburg Fortress Press
Published 4/1/2006
ISBN-13 9780800638146
In the last several years, Walter Brueggemann's writings have directly addressed the situation of Christian communities in today's globalized context, with its consumerist lifestyles, vast inequalities, and near-imperial exercises of power. His insights, forged in rugged encounters with the texts of the Old Testament, are sharp, painful, and indispensable. In the people Israel Brueggemann finds a model of an alternative community — anchored in YHWH, ever exploring new possibilities, and prophetically bent against empire.

Part I: The Word Redescribing the World Part II: The Word Redefining the Possible Part III: The Word Shaping a Community of Discipleship


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