Postmodern Interpretations of the Bible: A Reader
Postmodern Interpretations of the Bible: A Reader

Postmodern Interpretations of the Bible: A Reader

by Walter Brueggemann

Pages 292
Publisher Chalice Press
Published 3/1/2001
ISBN-13 9780827229709
A.K.M. Adam has brought together the most internationally esteemed voices in postmodern biblical interpretation in this extensive collection of postmodernist essays on important texts in both the Old and the New Testaments. Integrating method and actual exegesis, each athor interprets a biblical text from a postmodern perspective, offering new insights into the biblical texts. The result is a discerning and accessible reader that fully illustrates the variety of postmodern biblical interpretations. A few of the essays included are An Ending That Does Not End: The Book of Jeremiah by Walter Brueggemann; Son(s) Behaving Badly: The Prodigal in Foreign Hands by R.S. Sugirtharajah; Inside Jokes: Community and Authority in the Corinthian Correspondence by Sandra Hack Polaski.

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