Conversion in the Wesleyan Tradition
Abingdon Press
This new collection of essays explores the subject of conversion in the Wesleyan tradition from biblical, historical, theological, and practical points of view. Written by leading Wesleyan scholars, the essays reinvoke the notion of conversion as an identifiable experience in the Christian's life. The contributors, drawn from a diversity of backgrounds, rightly call for a much needed, and inclusive, balance: process and instantaneousness, nurture and regeneration, holy living and vibrant faith. The recovery of conversion as an illuminating paradigm of saving grace promises both renewal and revitalization in the Wesleyan tradition.
- Contents
- Introduction : conversion in the Wesleyan tradition - Kenneth J. Collins
- Part 1. Historical perspectives : Wesley and the people called Methodist
- John Wesley's conversion at Aldersgate - John H. Tyson
- The transformation of the human heart : the place of conversion in Wesley's theology - Henry H. Knight
- John Wesley and the fear of death as a standard of conversion - Kenneth J. Collins
- A real Christian is an abolitionist : conversion and antislavery activism in early American Methodism - Douglas Strong
- Conversion and sanctification in nineteenth-century African American Wesleyan women - Estrelda Alexander
- Part 2. Biblical perspectives
- "To turn from darkness to light" (Acts 26:18) : conversion in the narrative of Luke-Acts - Joel Green
- New creation or new birth? : conversion in the Johannine and Pauline literature - Ben Witherington III
- Part 3. Theological perspectives
- A mutuality model of conversion - Barry L. Callen
- Conversion and baptism in Wesleyan spirituality - Ted A. Campbell
- The epistemology of conversion : is there something new? - William J. Abraham
- Part 4. Pastoral perspectives
- Conversion : possibility and expectation - Sondra Higgins Matthaei
- From the "Works of the flesh" to the "Fruit of the spirit" : conversion and spiritual formation in the Wesleyan tradition - Gregory S. Clapper
- Embodying conversion - Philip R. Meadows
- Conclusion : suddenly a light from heaven - William H. Willimon.
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- New creation or new birth? conversion in the Johannine and Pauline literature by Ben Witherington III
- Introduction : conversion in the Wesleyan tradition by Kenneth J. Collins
- John Wesley's conversion at Aldersgate by John H. Tyson
- The transformation of the human heart : the place of conversion in Wesley's theology by Henry H. Knight
- John Wesley and the fear of death as a standard of conversion by Kenneth J. Collins
- A real Christian is an abolitionist : conversion and antislavery activism in early American Methodism by Douglas Strong
- Conversion and sanctification in nineteenth-century African American Wesleyan women by Estrelda Alexander
- "To turn from darkness to light" (Acts 26:18) : conversion in the narrative of Luke-Acts by Joel B. Green
- A mutuality model of conversion by Barry L. Callen
- Conversion and baptism in Wesleyan spirituality by Ted A. Campbell
- The epistemology of conversion : is there something new? by William J. Abraham
- Conversion : possibility and expectation by Sondra Higgins Matthaei
- From the "Works of the flesh" to the "Fruit of the spirit" : conversion and spiritual formation in the Wesleyan tradition by Gregory S. Clapper
- Embodying conversion by Philip R. Meadows
- Conclusion : suddenly a light from heaven by William H. Willimon