Jesus of Nazareth: Lord and Christ - Essays on the Historical Jesus and New Testament Christology
The problem of the historical Jesus remains one of the most important themes in New Testament scholarship. Closely related to this problem is the question, How far can the impact made by the earthly Jesus and his own self-understanding sustain the weight of the Christological construction put upon them by the early church? In the past two decades some scholars have taken an increasingly gloomy attitude toward the possibility of knowing anything of substance about Jesus from the Gospels or, at the opposite extreme, have sometimes made outlandish claims about him. Others, like the contributors of this volume, have begun moving the discussion into fresh areas of creative, responsible inquiry.
Fueling this interest at both scholarly and more popular levels is a corresponding preoccupation with the degree to which our understanding of Jesus influences the shape of faithful life in the church and in the world today. Indeed, the church is always in danger of reshaping Jesus in its own image. Thus it is greatly in need of the kind of scholarship found in this book — scholarship that allows its own preunderstandings and motives to be challenged by this same Jesus.
Written in honor of I. Howard Marshall on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, Jesus of Nazareth: Lord and Christ honors this distinguished scholar by reflecting his longstanding interest in Luke-Acts, his concern for the historical Jesus, and his stress on the significance of Jesus' person and work in New Testament interpretation. Providing new insights and breaking new ground, the thirty outstanding essays in this volume offer a fresh assessment of New Testament data and methods pertinent to our understanding of Jesus and his significance both in his time and in ours.
Fueling this interest at both scholarly and more popular levels is a corresponding preoccupation with the degree to which our understanding of Jesus influences the shape of faithful life in the church and in the world today. Indeed, the church is always in danger of reshaping Jesus in its own image. Thus it is greatly in need of the kind of scholarship found in this book — scholarship that allows its own preunderstandings and motives to be challenged by this same Jesus.
Written in honor of I. Howard Marshall on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, Jesus of Nazareth: Lord and Christ honors this distinguished scholar by reflecting his longstanding interest in Luke-Acts, his concern for the historical Jesus, and his stress on the significance of Jesus' person and work in New Testament interpretation. Providing new insights and breaking new ground, the thirty outstanding essays in this volume offer a fresh assessment of New Testament data and methods pertinent to our understanding of Jesus and his significance both in his time and in ours.
- Contents
- Jesus and the Wild Animals (Mark 1:13): A Christological Image for an Ecological Age - Richard J. Bauckham
- The Kingdom of God and Christology in the Gospels - George R. Beasley-Murray
- Jesus and the Beginnings of the Mission to the Gentiles - Eckhard J. Schnabel
- Good News to Whom? Jesus and the ‘Poor’ in the Gospel of Luke - Joel B. Green
- ‘Your Faith Has Made You Whole’: The Evangelical Liberation Theology of Jesus - Craig L. Blomberg
- Jesus the Baptist? - Richard T. France
- Disciples of Jesus - Leon Morris
- Matthew 11:19b/Luke 7:35: A Test Case for the Bearing of Q Christology on the Synoptic Problem - D.A. Carson
- Structure and Christology in Mark 1:21-45 - Grant R. Osborne
- Jesus of Nazareth: A Magician and a False Prophet Who Deceived God’s People? - Graham N. Stanton
- The Son of Man Seated at God’s Right Hand and the Debate over Jesus’ ‘Blasphemy’ - Darrell L. Bock
- Deity-Christology in Mark 14:58 - E. Earle Ellis
- The Essential Physicality of Jesus’ Resurrection according to the New Testament - Robert H. Gundry
- Jesus Christ, the Reception of the Spirit, and a Cross-National Community - Peder Borgen
- Christ-Centered Eschatology in Acts 3:17-26 - Hans F. Bayer
- Imitatio Christi in Acts - C.K. Barrett
- James’s Speech (Acts 15:13-21), Simeon’s Hymn (Luke 2:29-32), and Luke’s Sources - Rainer Riesner
- Patterns of Evangelization in Paul and Jesus: A Way Forward in the Jesus-Paul Debate? - John W. Drane
- The Story of Jesus Known to Paul - David Wenham
- Christology and Pneumatology in Romans 8:9-11 — and Elsewhere: Some Reflections on Paul as a Trinitarian - Gordon D. Fee
- Christ as Bearer of Divine Judgment in Paul’s Thought about the Atonement - Stephen H. Travis
- Jesus Christ: ‘Head’ of the Church (Colossians and Ephesians) - Clinton E. Arnold
- The Christological Basis of the Johannine Footwashing - Ruth B. Edwards
- Territorial Religion, Johannine Christology, and the Vineyard of John 15 - Gary M. Burge
- The Christology of Revelation - Donald Guthrie
- The Spirit of Christ and ‘Divine’ Christology - Max Turner
- The Making of Christology — Evolution or Unfolding? - James D.G. Dunn
- Christology in Luke, Speech-Act Theory, and the Problem of Dualism in Christology after Kant - Anthony C. Thiselton
- The Foundational Conviction of New Testament Christology: The Obedience/Faithfulness/Sonship of Christ - Richard N. Longenecker
- Christology: Synchronic or Diachronic? - Paul Ellingworth
- Index of Ancient Sources
- Index of Modern Authors
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- The Son of Man seated at God's right hand and the debate over Jesus' "blasphemy" by Darrell L. Bock
- Jesus and the Wild Animals (Mark 1:13): A Christological Image for an Ecological Age by Richard J. Bauckham
- The Kingdom of God and Christology in the Gospels by George R. Beasley-Murray
- Jesus and the Beginnings of the Mission to the Gentiles by Eckhard J. Schnabel
- Good News to Whom? Jesus and the ‘Poor’ in the Gospel of Luke by Joel B. Green
- ‘Your Faith Has Made You Whole’: The Evangelical Liberation Theology of Jesus by Craig L. Blomberg
- Jesus the Baptist? by R. T. France
- Disciples of Jesus by Leon Morris
- Matthew 11:19b/Luke 7:35: A Test Case for the Bearing of Q Christology on the Synoptic Problem by D. A. Carson
- Structure and Christology in Mark 1:21-45 by Grant R. Osborne
- Jesus of Nazareth: A Magician and a False Prophet Who Deceived God’s People? by Graham N. Stanton
- Deity-Christology in Mark 14:58 by E. Earle Ellis
- The Essential Physicality of Jesus’ Resurrection according to the New Testament by Robert H. Gundry
- Jesus Christ, the Reception of the Spirit, and a Cross-National Community by Peder Borgen
- Christ-Centered Eschatology in Acts 3:17-26 by Hans F. Bayer
- Imitatio Christi in Acts by Charles K. Barrett
- James’s Speech (Acts 15:13-21), Simeon’s Hymn (Luke 2:29-32), and Luke’s Sources by Rainer Riesner
- Patterns of Evangelization in Paul and Jesus: A Way Forward in the Jesus-Paul Debate? by John W. Drane
- The Story of Jesus Known to Paul by David Wenham
- Christology and Pneumatology in Romans 8:9-11 — and Elsewhere: Some Reflections on Paul as a Trinitarian by Gordon D. Fee
- Christ as Bearer of Divine Judgment in Paul’s Thought about the Atonement by Stephen H. Travis
- Jesus Christ: ‘Head’ of the Church (Colossians and Ephesians) by Clinton E. Arnold
- The Christological Basis of the Johannine Footwashing by Ruth B. Edwards
- Territorial Religion, Johannine Christology, and the Vineyard of John 15 by Gary M. Burge
- The Christology of Revelation by Donald Guthrie
- The Spirit of Christ and ‘Divine’ Christology by Max Turner
- The Making of Christology — Evolution or Unfolding? by James D. G. Dunn
- Christology in Luke, Speech-Act Theory, and the Problem of Dualism in Christology after Kant by Anthony C. Thiselton
- The Foundational Conviction of New Testament Christology: The Obedience/Faithfulness/Sonship of Christ by Richard N. Longenecker
- Christology: Synchronic or Diachronic? by Paul Ellingworth