The Gospels and the Scriptures of Israel
in Library of New Testament Studies
Sheffield Academic Press
This book offers studies by leading international scholars concerned with the New Testament Gospels and their relationship to and usage of the Old Testament, the scriptures of Israel. Several essays are devoted to each of the four Gospels. Questions of sources, form, redaction, tradition, and method are raised and discussed. The contributors are convinced that the Gospels cannot be understood correctly apart from a careful consideration of their indebtedness to the Old Testament. Readers will be treated to new interpretations and lively debate.
- Contents:
- Possible uses of the Old Testament in the Gospels : an overview / John J. O'Rourke
- The role of Malachi in the career of John the Baptist / Jeffrey A. Trumbower
- John the Baptist's use of scripture / James D.G. Dunn
- Genesis versus Deuteronomy? : Jesus on marriage and divorce / A.E. Harvey
- The function of Malachi 3.1 in Matthew 11.10 : kingdom reality as the hermeneutic of Jesus / James B. DeYoung
- Matthew : a patriot's gospel / Frederick W. Danker
- Nazo¯rai^os [romanized] in Matthew 2.23 / James S. Sanders
- 'He will be called a Nazorean' : messianic exegesis in Matthew 1-2 / Rudolf Pesch
- Do the prophets and the law quit prophesying before John? : a note on Matthew 11.13 / D.A. Carson
- Authority to forgive sins upon the earth : the Shema in the Gospel of Mark / Joel Marcus
- Jesus' walking on the water : Mark 6.45-52 / William Richard Stegner
- Narrated prophecy in Mark 11.12-21 : the divine authorization of judgment / Deborah Krause.
- Withering fig trees and progression in Midrash / George Wesley Buchanan
- Mark 12.28-31 and the Decalogue / Dale C. Allison, Jr.
- Proclamation from prophecy and pattern : Luke's use of the Old Testament for Christology and mission / Darrell L. Bock
- Intertextual use of Sirach 48.1-16 in plotting Luke-Acts / William S. Kurz
- Jesus' preaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath / Asher Finkel
- The Pharisee and the Publican : Luke 18.9-14 and Deuteronomy 26 / Craig A. Evans
- John's use of scripture / A.T. Hanson
- The Old Testament and the Fourth Gospel / Martin Hengel
- Can traditional exegesis enlighten literary analysis of the Fourth Gospel? : an examination of the Old Testament fulfilment motif and the Passover theme / Stanley E. Porter
- The quotation of scripture and unbelief in John 12.36b-43 / John Painter
- Betrayal and the betrayer : the uses of scripture in John 13.18-19 / J. Ramsey Michaels
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Proclamation from prophecy and pattern : Luke's use of the Old Testament for christology and mission by Darrell L. Bock
- Possible uses of the Old Testament in the Gospels : an overview by John J. O'Rourke
- The role of Malachi in the career of John the Baptist by Jeffrey A. Trumbower
- John the Baptist's use of scripture by James D. G. Dunn
- Genesis versus Deuteronomy? : Jesus on marriage and divorce by A. E. Harvey
- The function of Malachi 3.1 in Matthew 11.10 : kingdom reality as the hermeneutic of Jesus by James B. DeYoung
- Matthew : a patriot's gospel by Frederick W. Danker
- Nazo¯rai^os [romanized] in Matthew 2.23 by James A. Sanders
- 'He will be called a Nazorean' : messianic exegesis in Matthew 1-2 by Rudolf Pesch
- Do the prophets and the law quit prophesying before John? : a note on Matthew 11.13 by D. A. Carson
- Authority to forgive sins upon the earth : the Shema in the Gospel of Mark by Joel Marcus
- Jesus' walking on the water : Mark 6.45-52 by William Richard Stegner
- Narrated prophecy in Mark 11.12-21 : the divine authorization of judgment by Deborah Krause
- Withering fig trees and progression in Midrash by George Wesley Buchanan
- Mark 12.28-31 and the Decalogue by Dale C. Allison, Jr.
- Intertextual use of Sirach 48.1-16 in plotting Luke-Acts by William S. Kurz
- Jesus' preaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath by Asher Finkel
- The Pharisee and the Publican : Luke 18.9-14 and Deuteronomy 26 by Craig A. Evans
- John's use of scripture by Anthony T. Hanson
- The Old Testament and the Fourth Gospel by Martin Hengel
- Can traditional exegesis enlighten literary analysis of the Fourth Gospel? : an examination of the Old Testament fulfilment motif and the Passover theme by Stanley E. Porter
- The quotation of scripture and unbelief in John 12.36b-43 by John Painter
- Betrayal and the betrayer : the uses of scripture in John 13.18-19 by J. Ramsey Michaels