New Testament Criticism and Interpretation
This is the first volume published in more than twenty years that is specifically focused on the theology of evangelism in the Wesleyan tradition. It contains essays written by key Methodist leaders from Asia, America, Europe, and Africa, thus offering a wide range of views of the nature and purpose of evangelism in the Weslayen heritage. It also provides focused and stimulating theological reflection. These essays were first presented as a symposium at the Mission Resource Center at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, in February 1992.
- Table of Contents:
- Part 1 - Introduction
- Authority, Hermeneutics, and Criticism - P. H. Davids
- New Testament Interpretation: Historical Survey - D. S. Dockery
- New Testament, History, and the Historical-Critical Method - D. A.Hagner
- Part 2 Basic Methods in New Testament Criticism
- Textual Critism - M. W. Holmes
- Source Criticism - S. McKnight
- Form Criticism - D. L. Beck
- Redaction Criticism - G. R. Osborne
- Literary Criticism - A. B. Spencer
- Canonical Criticism - M. C. Parsons
- Sociological Criticism - M. R. Mulholland, Jr.
- Structuralism - B. Stancil
- Part 3 - Special Issues in New Testament Interpretation
- Background Studies and New Testament Interpretation - D. E. Garland
- Study of New Testament Greek in the Light of Ancient and Modern Linguistics - D. A. Black
- Use of the Old Testament in the New - K. Snodgrass
- Unity in Diversity: Clue to the Emergence of the New Testament as Sacred Literature - R. B. Sloan
- Development of Doctrine in the New Testament - J. W. McCant
- Diversity of Literary Genres in the New Testament - C. L. Blomberg
- Pseudonymity and the New Testament - T. D. Lea
- New Testament Interpretation and Preaching - C. R. Wells
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Form criticism by Darrell L. Bock
- Authority, Hermeneutics, and Criticism by Peter H. Davids
- New Testament Interpretation: Historical Survey by David S. Dockery
- New Testament, History, and the Historical-Critical Method by Donald A. Hagner
- Textual Critism by Michael W. Holmes
- Source Criticism by Scot McKnight
- Redaction Criticism by Grant R. Osborne
- Literary Criticism by Aída Besançon Spencer
- Canonical Criticism by Mikeal C. Parsons
- Sociological Criticism by M. Robert Mulholland Jr.
- Structuralism by B. Stancil
- Background Studies and New Testament Interpretation by David E. Garland
- Study of New Testament Greek in the Light of Ancient and Modern Linguistics by David Alan Black
- Use of the Old Testament in the New by Klyne Snodgrass
- Unity in Diversity: Clue to the Emergence of the New Testament as Sacred Literature by Robert B. Sloan
- Development of Doctrine in the New Testament by J. W. McCant
- Diversity of Literary Genres in the New Testament by Craig L. Blomberg
- Pseudonymity and the New Testament by Thomas D. Lea
- New Testament Interpretation and Preaching by C. R. Wells