Be Mature (James): Growing Up in Christ
Be Mature (James): Growing Up in Christ

Be Mature (James): Growing Up in Christ

in BE Series

by Warren W. Wiersbe

4 Rank Score: 4.14 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 6 user libraries
Pages 192
Publisher David C. Cook
Published 6/1/2008
ISBN-13 9781434768452

Perhaps of all the books in the New Testament, James most squarely focuses on results. His pull-no-punches approach to spiritual maturity, his preference for action over words, makes his text the perfect backdrop for a study of how to grow in our faith.

Beloved author and teacher, Warren Wiersbe, leads you through this practical book with advice on how to overcome temptation, controlling the tongue, effective prayer, and how to practice what the Bible teaches. If you're going to make progress in these areas, you will need a growing faith and dependence on Christ because as James claims, "Every good and perfect gift is from above."

Now with study questions and updated foreword by Ken Baugh, Be Mature makes the perfect guide through your study of James. Trust Warren Wiersbe's 40+ years of experience to instruct you on important truths from God's Word.


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Stephen Watkinson Stephen Watkinson February 5, 2014
I've preached through James a couple of times recently and this last time I read Wiersbe as devotional reading just to keep the text mulling over in my mind. It's worth saying this is not an academic commentary. You don't get any engagement with the literature, or the debates. The level is that of the sermon. It's the first of his "Be..." series I've read from cover to cover. He loves the text, he teaches it faithfully, he illustrates well and applies insightfully. He has a bit of a tendency to over-cross-reference outside of James for me, but it was a minor thing. All-in-all a good devotional read and a helpful book for Bible-study leaders and the like.