Be Exultant (Psalms 90-150): Praising God for His Mighty Works
Be Exultant (Psalms 90-150): Praising God for His Mighty Works

Be Exultant (Psalms 90-150): Praising God for His Mighty Works

in BE Series

by Warren W. Wiersbe

Rank Score: 4.06 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 240
Publisher David C. Cook
Published 1/1/2009
ISBN-13 9781434767370

"The school of life is preparation for eternity with God." No God, no passing grades! And the best students in this particular school are the ones who know that the bell signaling the end of the last class may ring when least expected. With creative word pictures like this, and the spiritual depth and insight that comes from a lifetime of worshipping the Lord, popular author, pastor, and teacher Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe guides you through the mountains and valleys of Psalms 90-150.

Pastor or layperson, you'll devour the timeless truths this commentary has to offer. You will learn much from the practical nature of this study and the challenges it presents. But more important, you will see yourself in the different writers of the Psalms—pillars of the faith like Moses and David—people who experienced failure and doubt, but who also savored a deep relationship with a tenderhearted Father. You will not only learn of their trials and triumphs, but be lead to worship God in a more meaningful way.


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