Reading Biblical Narratives
Reading Biblical Narratives

Reading Biblical Narratives

by Yairah Amit

4.5 Rank Score: 4.6 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 204
Publisher Fortress Press
Published 7/1/2001
ISBN-13 9780800632809
Based on a series of lectures given in Israel, Amit introduces the reader to the subtle ways of the biblical narrators. Covering issues of character, plot development, catchword association, narration, and dialogue, she brings the biblical text to life, helping the reader enter the stories from new vantage points.

--The Power of Stories
--The Story Researchers and the ReaderÂ’s Responsibility
--Biblical Stories and Biblical Criticism
--Openings and Endings
--Plot, Structure, and Their Function
--Characterization by Minimal Means
--Whom to Believe?
--The Biblical Stories and "TimeÂ’s Art"
--The Place, the Story, and the History
--Intrinsic and Acquired Significance
--Afterword: The Story in Its Significance


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Denver Seminary Journal Denver Seminary Journal December 5, 2009
An up-to-date introduction to the various components of a literary reading, written by an Israeli scholar. [Full Review]