New Testament Theology
New Testament Theology

New Testament Theology

by George B. Caird

4.75 Rank Score: 4.87 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 520
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 12/28/1995
ISBN-13 9780198263883
This is a masterly presentation of New Testament theology by one of the leading religious scholars of this century. It takes the unique step of setting up an imaginary dialogue on the central concepts of the Christian faith between the various authors of the New Testament themselves, thus capturing in a particularly fresh and lucid way the differing approaches and attempts of these first Christians to explore and elucidate their faith.


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A.E. Carnehl A.E. Carnehl April 10, 2019
Published a decade after his death, Caird's NT theology is masterful. I consistently return to it and find its insights to be more judicious, balanced, and insightful than other comparable NT theologies.