in Baker Commentary on the Old Testament
Baker Academic
Veteran Old Testament scholar Tremper Longman offers an accessible commentary on one of Scripture's most intriguing books. With his deft exegetical and expositional skill, the resulting work is full of fresh insight into the meaning of the text.
In addition to the helpful translation and commentary, this volume considers theological implications of the wisdom texts found in the book of Job as well as their literary, historical, and grammatical dimensions. Footnotes deal with many of the technical matters, allowing readers of varying interest and training levels to read and profit from the commentary and to engage the biblical text at an appropriate level. This built-in versatility has application for both pastors and teachers.
In addition to the helpful translation and commentary, this volume considers theological implications of the wisdom texts found in the book of Job as well as their literary, historical, and grammatical dimensions. Footnotes deal with many of the technical matters, allowing readers of varying interest and training levels to read and profit from the commentary and to engage the biblical text at an appropriate level. This built-in versatility has application for both pastors and teachers.
The entire BCOTWP series is a highly commendable collection of upper mid-level commentaries, targeted at pastors, and upper level students. Tremper Longman is series editor and wrote this volume on Job and the volume on Proverbs. Based on the authors' own translation, the BCOTWP series provides some technical/linguistic data, but focuses primarily on exegesis of the text in its final form, and then provides a "theological implications" component at the end of each section. Longman's translation of Job is fresh, idiomatic, and captures the poetic nature of Job, but is also compatible with other common translations. His exegesis is succinct, and introduction substantial, covering the difficult questions of genre, historicity, historical and literary context and some comments on New Testament implications. Longman is respected across the spectrum of protestant scholarship, able to be appreciated by most. And this commentary, and the series he has brought together is highly valuable, and useful tool.
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Tremper Longman III has written an excellent commentary on one of my favorite books of the Bible: Job. This commentary completes the Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms series (in which series Longman also wrote the Proverbs volume). In his Introduction to Job, Longman helpfully avoids speculations as to the book's composition history; his task is to interpret the book as it has come down to us. This Longman does ably and thus defends the authority and reliability of the Bible. Longman also structures Job in his Introduction into seven sections: The Prologue (1:1-2:13), Job's Lament (3:1-26); The Debate Between Job and His Three Friends (4:1-27:23); Job's Monologue (28:1-31:40); Elihu's Speech (32:1-37:24); Yahweh's Speeches and Job's Responses (38:1-42:6); and Job's Restoration (42:7-17).
In the commentary proper, Longman provides his own translation of Job's text. His translation is readable but faithful to the original languages. Before commenting on individual thought units within Job's chapters, Longman summarized that section's message. These sections were very helpful in clarifying the progression of thought within individual chapters. Even more helpful are the Theological Implications sections at the end of each commentated section. If not giving direct application, the Theological Implication "reflective essays" at least drew out the broader implications of any given section of Job, oftentimes pointing explicitly to how the New Testament takes the principles espoused in Job and explicates them.
Despite the commentary's excellence, however, there were a couple of points on which I disagreed with Dr. Longman. As I have written extensively in an earlier post, I believe that Longman is wrong in identifying Job's accuser as an angel other than the fallen angel, Satan. My other primary disagreement with Longman comes later in the book of Job. In discussing Elihu's speech of Job 32-37, I believe Longman was, at times, too harsh in his criticism of Elihu. Yes, Elihu was wrong at certain points, but even Job acknowledged that he had "uttered what [he] did not understand" (42:3). Longman never stigmatized Job for his evident shortcomings, but although Elihu is certainly not the titular character, I do not believe him to be deserving of the measure of harshness that Longman dishes out to him.
These two caveats, though, do not prevent me from wholeheartedly recommending Longman's Job to any teacher or preacher who wants to exposit this book of the Bible. Longman was erudite but evangelical throughout the commentary; he was academic without eschewing pastoral consideration. For this he is to be commended. This is a commentary that I will readily turn to whenever I preach or teach Job. 4 out of 5 stars.
I am grateful to Baker Academic for providing me an advance review copy in return for an honest review.
[Full Review]