Let's Study Philippians
Let's Study Philippians

Let's Study Philippians

in Let's Study Series

by Sinclair B. Ferguson

4.5 Rank Score: 4.56 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 153 pages
Publisher Banner of Truth
Published 6/1/1998
ISBN-13 9780851517148


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Andy Andy December 9, 2023
Sinclair Ferguson is a very helpful expositor, always with an eye to practical application and clear language. In most cases, reading this commentary will give you an insight into the passage in question, despite its brevity.
R.K. Thomas R.K. Thomas February 6, 2015
As an introductory commentary goes, Ferguson's work is very helpful. Sound exegetical work coupled with practical application makes for a good devotional commentary, and reads almost as if these would have been the sermons he delivered on the various passages. A study guide with questions could be very helpful for group settings.