in Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament
457 pages
Augsburg Fortress Press
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Commentaries I Would Not Do Without by R. Hansen
Tiede is one who I wish had written much more on Luke or whom I could have studied under. I have often been disappointed in Luke commentaries, but this one often will get one started in the right direction with his comments. I often found myself wishing for more. On some passages it is a key insight from Tiede which I found in no other commentary which helped me down the road of understanding. He is much more aware of the social and political ramifications of Jesus' time and his teachings then most commentators. Highly recommended. With that said, the commentary is a little uneven and on some passages he perhaps gives a little to much time for a short commentary on sources rather than the actual text. But with so few good commentaries on Luke, this one easily deserves a 5.