Proverbs to Sirach
Proverbs to Sirach


in New Interpreter's Bible

by Raymond C. Van Leeuwen

4.83 Rank Score: 5.19 from 4 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Publisher Abingdon Press
Published 11/1/1997
ISBN-13 9780687278183


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Leeuwen’s commentary is written from a progressive evangelical perspective, but it reflects his intrepid expertise in the field of biblical wisdom literature and helpful theological reflections. [Full Review]
Tim Challies Tim Challies October 28, 2013
There may be no need for a fifth volume on Proverbs if you’ve got each of the ones above, but if you need one more, consider Van Leeuwen. Mathison says, “Van Leeuwen is a recognized scholar in the field of biblical wisdom literature, and his understanding of this genre is reflected in his commentary. There is more reflection on the theology of the book here than in most commentaries.” You will probably have some difficulty tracking it down and may need to visit a theological library. [Full Review]
Van Leeuwen is a recognized scholar in the field of biblical wisdom literature, and his understanding of this genre is reflected in his commentary. There is more reflection on the theology of the book here than in most commentaries. If you can find a copy in a library, this work on Proverbs is worth consulting. [Full Review]