Philippians: A Mentor Commentary
Philippians: A Mentor Commentary

Philippians: A Mentor Commentary

in Mentor Commentaries

by Matthew S. Harmon

5 Rank Score: 5.1 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 512
Publisher Mentor
Published 3/1/2015
ISBN-13 9781781914281
Christians throughout the centuries have loved Paul's letter to the Philippians for its call to rejoice in the gospel of Jesus Christ regardless of life's circumstances. But our familiarity with the letter can cause us to neglect or overlook Paul's message to the Philippians. Dr Matthew Harmon in this uplifting and inspiring work brings context and application to this wonderful book.


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Harmon’s exegetical study of Philippians showcases Paul’s attentiveness to the Old Testament. He carefully traces Paul’s argument and concludes each section with helpful suggestions for application.
Zach Olson Zach Olson February 10, 2021
This commentary was so effective for my study in Philippians. It provides wonderful pastoral insights and illuminates what Paul is saying so well. Wonderful exegesis is within this commentary.