Proverbs: A Mentor Commentary
792 pages
Christian Focus
The escalating growth of our technological knowledge in the last century has been nothing short of breathtaking – but has it rendered us wiser? Or godlier?
We have lost something priceless, and seem to be trying to replace it with more and more ‘information’. We need wisdom! Communications technology leaves us no rest to work things out: mostly we just react, and worry, and fail – and react again. We make business decisions; ethical decisions; relationship decisions; against a continuously moving landscape that doesn’t allow them to be satisfying… consistent… dependable.
To cope we must have wisdom! There is no better starting point than the Book of Proverbs. Its purpose is to impart wisdom to those who want it. From its pages God promises to set us on ‘The path of life’ (Prov. 15:24).
‘You don’t understand! I don’t have time!
‘You do…because, after years of painstaking study, John Kitchen has produced a work that is authoritative, comprehensive and insightful. He examines the chronology, authorship, composition, structure and context of Proverbs and does the hard work of providing cross–references alerting the reader to rich veins running beneath the surface of Proverbs and other Biblical books.
You want wisdom to help run your life? Think you are running out of time? Then this is a priceless, timeless book that will reward your investment as you seek to gain wisdom, rather than knowledge.
We have lost something priceless, and seem to be trying to replace it with more and more ‘information’. We need wisdom! Communications technology leaves us no rest to work things out: mostly we just react, and worry, and fail – and react again. We make business decisions; ethical decisions; relationship decisions; against a continuously moving landscape that doesn’t allow them to be satisfying… consistent… dependable.
To cope we must have wisdom! There is no better starting point than the Book of Proverbs. Its purpose is to impart wisdom to those who want it. From its pages God promises to set us on ‘The path of life’ (Prov. 15:24).
‘You don’t understand! I don’t have time!
‘You do…because, after years of painstaking study, John Kitchen has produced a work that is authoritative, comprehensive and insightful. He examines the chronology, authorship, composition, structure and context of Proverbs and does the hard work of providing cross–references alerting the reader to rich veins running beneath the surface of Proverbs and other Biblical books.
You want wisdom to help run your life? Think you are running out of time? Then this is a priceless, timeless book that will reward your investment as you seek to gain wisdom, rather than knowledge.
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Ultimate Commentary Collection: OT Expositional by John Glynn
- Basic Library Booklist by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
I have become a collector of commentaries ever since my seminary days in the 1990s. As such, I am only going to recommend the best overall commentary for each book of the Bible on this site. For Proverbs, for the preacher/teacher, I do not think it is even close honestly - get Kitchen! He covers the book of Proverbs thoroughly and makes wonderful connections to our lives. If you only had one book on Proverbs in your library, it needs to be this one. (Waltke now has a shorter version on Proverbs than his two volume NICOT contribution that is worth adding, but I still prefer Kitchen).
Advances in technology have dramatically transformed how we live, learn, and labor, but have they made us any godlier or more discerning? Kitchen balances scholarly research and pastoral admonition as he connects the message of Proverbs with other passages of Scripture. The result is practical application for 21st-century readers in pursuit of wisdom in everyday life. 790 pages, hardcover from Christian Focus.
[Full Review]