

in New Testament Library

by John T. Carroll

5 Rank Score: 5.28 from 2 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 560
Publisher Westminster John Knox
Published 11/8/2012
ISBN-13 9780664221065
This new, authoritative commentary on the Gospel of Luke by John T. Carroll epitomizes the New Testament Library series. Combining scholarly rigor and theological insight, Carroll not only focuses on the Gospel text but also makes frequent reference to Luke's second volume, the Acts of the Apostles, to show how the two writings work together to present a full picture of the life of Christ and the work of the apostles. In addition, Carroll includes several illuminating notions about special topics in Luke's Gospel: a comparison of the birth announcements to Mary and Zechariah, an examination of the role of women, a discussion of wealth and poverty, and insights on the reign of God and the Roman Empire.


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G Ware G Ware October 10, 2018
A great commentary with special attention to Luke as a storyteller (taking a "literary reading" p. 7) but still engaging with the theological and ethical vision which emerges from the narrative flow of Luke. The intro is a bit too short for my liking, but footnotes key sources for more details and highlights the author's main influences for underlying issues. Exegesis is detailed without being overwhelming, and clearly presented in the NTL's user-friendly format (author's own translation of pericope, followed by textual notes, then exposition, usually of 2-3 verses at a time).
Joel B. Green Joel B. Green May 13, 2015
The most recent is John T. Carroll’s work in the New Testament Library (Westminster John Knox, 2012) – an important work that combines theological and literary interests. [Full Review]