

in Two Horizons New Testament Commentary

by Jeannine K. Brown and Kyle A. Roberts

5 Rank Score: 5.28 from 1 reviews, 2 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 9/27/2018
ISBN-13 9780802825667
In this latest addition to the Two Horizons New Testament Commentary series, biblical scholar Jeannine Brown and theologian Kyle Roberts together illuminate the Gospel of Matthew for pastors, scholars, and serious students of Scripture.

Including an original translation of the text along with section-by-section commentary, this volume features chapters on “thinking theologically with Matthew” about such themes as kingdom, Christology, the Holy Spirit, and discipleship. Brown and Roberts also offer constructive theological engagement with a number of contemporary viewpoints, including feminist, global, political, and ethical (post-Holocaust) perspectives. At once interdisciplinary and insightful, their commentary will appeal to a wide readership.


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JJ JJ January 3, 2022
In this newer Two Horizons commentary on Matthew's Gospel, Jeannine Brown shines as a "narratival" observer par excellence. With adept observations of literary details and a keen eye and ear to what the Scripture is saying, Dr. Brown has given us this very useful commentary, just 3 years after her fine Matthew commentary in the "Teach the Text Series" by Baker. If you are familiar with the THNTC series, we expect to explore the theological and cultural impacts in addition to an able commentary. Jeannine Brown provides this commentary, along with her own translation of Matthew. Kybe Roberts comes along side and focuses on this theological focus and why this is so important in Matthew's Gospel. It is difficult to compare this to a commentary like France's magnificent work, because the focuses are a bit different. I can only say that I find Jeanine Brown's insights beneficial and lucid so that I frequented her commentary observations often.