

in Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary

by David J. H. Beldman

4.8 Rank Score: 5.1 from 1 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 5 user libraries
Pages 296
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 1/9/2020
ISBN-13 9780802827012
A theological introduction, exegesis, and reflection on the teaching of Judges for audiences today.

Judges is a book for our time. It forces readers to come face to face with fact that faith speaks into the topics and situations we deal with or read about in our newsfeeds.

Matters of warfare, authoritarianism, sexual exploitation, and tribalism—these are a few of the repercussions from not having our social order oriented toward God.

  • Table of Contents
  • I. Theological Introduction
  • 1. Introduction to Judges
  • 2. The Title
  • 3. Hearing the Book of Judges
  • 4. Hearing Judges as Hebrew Narrative
  • 5. Hearing Judges in Its Historical Context
  • 6. Hearing Others Hearing Judges
  • 7. Conclusion
  • II. Theological Commentary
  • 8. The Exposition
  • 9. The Cycle of Judges
  • 10. The End Section
  • 11. Retrospective Evaluation: A View of Judges from the End
  • III. Theological Reflection
  • 12. Judges and Biblical Theology
  • 13. Judges and Systematic Theology
  • 14. Judges for Today


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David Beldman’s Two Horizons commentary is concerned with broad themes and theological implications more than the minutiae of linguistics. His observations are rich and his areas of reflection are timely. His commentary is essential for anyone hoping to think about how Judges contributes to our understanding of God and the world. [Full Review]