Broadman & Holman
In the Introduction to his commentary on Revelation, L. Paige Patterson observes the widespread neglect of this closing book of the New Testament.
"Aside from a few journal articles and fewer monographs, few homiletical adventurers have evidenced the moxie to enter the eschatological lists and take on this book in the pulpit. This remains the case even though curiosity abounds in many congregations where parishioners fervently wish that their respective pastors would explain the book to them. Among those who embark on this adventure, most sail no further than the message to the seven churches ... thus missing the grandeur of the promises that proliferate in chapters 4-22."
Patterson writes with the strong conviction that preachers and professors can grasp Revelation and expound it fruitfully. To that end he has writ- ten this commentary, and in doing so, interacts with a wide array of interpreters of Revelation across the centuries. The reader who follows Patterson’s interpretive decisions will experience a virtual hermeneutical workshop but far more than that. He will see more clearly than ever the glory and grandeur of Jesus Christ.
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- Basic Library Booklist by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
Paige Patterson’s new commentary on Revelation is everything we have come to expect from the New American Commentary Series: solid, semi-technical, pastoral exposition of the Scripture. Your appreciation for any commentary on Revelation will be determined by your interpretive approach, but there is much to be gleaned from Dr. Patterson’s commentary.
Patterson works with a pretribulational premillenial framework and argues that the apostle John wrote the book. He is a consistent futurist in his interpretation. One of the great strengths of Patterson’s commentary is his humility and common sense. He maintains an irenic tone when addressing dissenting views, which he frequently addresses at length in footnotes. At several places he argues that we do not have enough information to be dogmatic on how an image is to be read. He strongly cautions against trying to identify specific people, places and objects found in the Revelation, which is a breath of fresh air from someone with a more literal hermeneutic.
Patterson's handling of the seven letters is very helpful also makes excellent use of historical, cultural and geographical study. Patterson is highly pastoral in his commentary, which is why this commentary will benefit those of different theological schools. His exaltation of the person of Jesus is magnificent and consistent throughout. He includes several asides for pastors preaching through the Revelation. He shows how the Revelation has profound significance even for those not living through the events described.
My one complaint would be the brevity on certain passages. I frequently wanted more justification for his exegesis than the straightforward exposition that he provided, especially on 20:1-6.
All of this being said, Dr. Patterson has provided the church with a gift. I walked away from reading this commentary with a newfound appreciation for the glory of God and His sovereignty over this world and a firmer grasp of the hope Jesus provides. I found myself saying, “My church needs to hear this book preached,” which is not something I have been prone to say about Revelation. The Revelation provides a picture of our future and our blessed hope, and Dr. Patterson proves to be a very competent guide.
I received this copy free of charge with no requirement to give a positive review.
[Full Review]