Non-Western or BIPOC


in Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary

by Thomas B. Slater

Rank Score: 4.2 from 0 reviews, 2 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 200
Publisher Smyth & Helwys
Published 5/1/2012
ISBN-13 9781573126243
Written by caring and accomplished scholars with all students of Scripture in mind, this innovative series makes quality Bible study more accessible. Pastors, professors and students of Scripture are discovering that this commentary provides wonderful new tools for enhancing interpretation: informative sidebars, a wealth of fine art visuals, and a searchable CD containing the digital version of the entire work. Slater contends that both Jew and Gentile were equal partners in the new religious commonwealth of that day. Ephesians, then, was written to persuade its original readership that an ethnically inclusive church based on religious affiliation and faithfulness was part of God's plan. This commentary raises such questions as "What does it mean to live in a racially inclusive community?" and "What are Paul's ethical requirements for living in such a diverse setting?"


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