The Book of Hosea
in New International Commentary on the Old Testament
In this solid theological commentary on the book of Hosea, J. Andrew Dearman considers the prophetic figure's historical roots in the covenant traditions of ancient Israel, includes his own translation of the biblical text, and masterfully unpacks Hosea's poetic, metaphorical message of betrayal, judgment, and reconciliation.
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Basic Library Booklist by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
- TGC: Scholarly Commentaries by The Gospel Coalition
An excellent work that stays close to the text and points to its key theological themes. Mathison calls this volume one of the best in the NICOT series, saying: “It is strong in every area where a commentary should be strong—historical background, exegesis, biblical theology, and insightful application.”
[Full Review]
Dearman and Stuart (WBC) are my first choices for Hosea. Dearman, because his volume is solely on Hosea and not paired with other prophetic books, is able to do more exploration of theological interpretation and engage with other secondary sources that Stuart. This is great if you have the time to go beyond the brevity of a volume commenting on multiple prophets in a single volume. The NICOT format is also more engaging and reader friendly than WBC.