Jeremiah, Lamentations
Jeremiah, Lamentations

Jeremiah, Lamentations

in Understanding the Bible Old Testament

by Tremper Longman III

4.08 Rank Score: 4.48 from 5 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 412 pages
Publisher Hendrickson
Published 5/1/2008
ISBN-13 9781565632240


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A highly regarded commentary that explains the scholarly conversations surrounding this text to a popular audience. It also drives home the theological meaning of each section of the book. Longman shows his readers that Israel’s sin is the reason for its suffering. [Full Review]
Tim Challies Tim Challies February 10, 2014
Tremper Longman is both a commentator and a commentator on the commentaries. His volume on Jeremiah and Lamentations is regarded as one of the best. Mathison says, “This recent commentary by a well-known evangelical author fills a gap by providing for a general audience the fruits of the most up-to-date scholarship on the book of Jeremiah [and Lamentations]. Although easily accessible, Longman provides numerous literary and theological insights into the book.” [Full Review]
I have already mentioned Longman's commentary in connection with Jeremiah. His commentary on Lamentations in the same volume is equally helpful. [Full Review]
This recent commentary by a well-known evangelical author fills a gap by providing for a general audience the fruits of the most up-to-date scholarship on the book of Jeremiah. Although easily accessible, Longman provides numerous literary and theological insights into the book. [Full Review]