New Testament Commentary Survey (6th ed.)
160 pages
Baker Academic
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Cambridge Chinese Christian: Recommended Commentaries by Calvin Cheah
- Commentary Guides and Surveys by Matt Quintana
Carson’s recommendations are not broken down into lists (Glynn) or as an annotated bibliography (Rosscup, Longman). Instead, Carson offers a running commentary on the available commentaries on each book of the bible, comparing and contrasting different authors. His comments are equally helpful and hilarious as he pulls no punches if a work is less than stellar. At the end of the book, Carson offers a list of “Best Buys” summarizing his thoughts.
The layout of Carson’s work is helpful in that he directly compares and contrasts works, but it can be a little bit hard to use when one just wants to find his opinion on a single work since that will be buried in several pages of discussion. That small criticism aside, Carson’s thoughts are extremely valuable.