The Coming of the Warrior-King: Zephaniah Simply Explained
The Coming of the Warrior-King: Zephaniah Simply Explained

The Coming of the Warrior-King: Zephaniah Simply Explained

in Welwyn Commentary Series

by Daniel Webber

5 Rank Score: 5.02 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 190 pages
Publisher Evangelical Press
Published 3/1/2004
ISBN-13 9780852345566


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PastorTimothy72 PastorTimothy72 July 27, 2021
I have become a collector of commentaries ever since my seminary days in the 1990s. As such, I am only going to recommend the best overall commentary for each book of the Bible on this site. (Before each minor prophet recommendation, let me first say that every preacher/teacher should have a copy of James Montgomery Boice's two volume set on the Minor Prophets on his/her bookshelf. That's the starting point, in my opinion). While brief, Webber's commentary on Zephaniah packs a large punch through its limited pages. It is the commentary for Zephaniah that I would recommend finds its way on each pastor's bookshelf. It is helpful in providing titles and outlines for messages, offers a sound interpretation of the text, and proves accessible for anyone.