

in Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

by Eckhard J. Schnabel

5 Rank Score: 5.66 from 2 reviews, 3 featured collections, and 8 user libraries
Pages 1040
Publisher Zondervan
Published 11/6/2012
ISBN-13 9780310243670
With attention to issues that continue to surface in today's church, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series offers pastors, students, and teachers a focused resource for reading, teaching, and preaching the Book of Acts. Acts highlights (1) the work of God through the exalted Jesus who grants the presence of the Holy Spirit; (2) the significance of Jesus who is Israel's Messiah and the Savior of the world and who directs the expansion of the church; (3) the work of the Holy Spirit as transforming power present in the lives of the followers of Jesus and their communities; (4) the identity of the church as the community of God, comprised of Jews and Gentiles who are followers of Jesus; (5) the mission of the church whose leaders take the gospel to cities and regions of the Roman Empire in which Jesus has not yet been proclaimed as Messiah and Savior; (6) the historical events and the persons who played a role in the expansion of earliest Christianity.


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Schnabel’s outstanding commentary “combines meticulous research, sound exegesis, and a strong emphasis on the early Christian mission,” writes Tabb. It works with the Greek text but is accessible, clearly written, and strong on Graeco-Roman history and sources. The detailed historical research informs (rather than obscures) the meaning of the text and is coupled with a judicious explanation of textual details. Summaries of significant theological and practical themes conclude each of the commentary’s sections. [Full Review]
Joel B. Green Joel B. Green July 29, 2017
Eckhard Schnabel has followed the unfolding history of the early church in his work