in Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
This series is designed for those who know biblical languages. It is written primarily for the pastor and Bible teacher, not for the scholar. That is, the aim is not to review and offer a critique of every possible interpretation that has ever been given to a passage, but to exegete each passage of Scripture succinctly in its grammatical and historical context. Each passage is interpreted in the light of its biblical setting, with a view to grammatical detail, literary context, flow of biblical argument, and historical setting. While the focus will not be on application, it is expected that the authors will offer suggestions as to the direction in which application can flow.
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Basic Library Booklist by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
- Nijay Gupta's Top NT Commentaries by Nijay K. Gupta
- Recommended New Testament Commentaries for Evangelical Pastors by Thomas R. Schreiner
- TGC: Scholarly Commentaries by The Gospel Coalition
This commentary by Mark Strauss is a great tool for studying the Gospel of Mark. It is very clearly laid out and Strauss is able to present matters in a way that is highly comprehensible, combined with a sane judgement.
You can rely on him to address all relevant issues. It is not a "spectacular" commentary, but it is consistently very helpful in the areas of context, structure, translation, exegesis and often also application. If you're working through the Gospel of Mark, make sure to have this tool close at hand!
This commentary was a tremendous resource for me when preaching through the Gospel of Mark. This commentary does a great job of laying out the theological depth of each passage while also pointing out the practical application that can be gleaned from each passage.
Strauss’s excellent commentary examines Mark’s Gospel in sixty-three units. As Tabb observes, Strauss walks through the Greek, offers his well-informed summaries of passages, and provides theological commentary. This resource will benefit pastors and students.
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Having read a few of the 'top' commentaries here on Mark, I have to say this should be in the top three. There is an abundance of usefulness in this work, and would recommend it to the one with very little time as a one stop shop. Strauss' expertise on Jesus and the gospels is evident. You can tell he's thought more than once about many of the pieces of the Jesus stories. Although clearly aware of a broad plethora of work on the gospels, his outlook is clearly that of an conservative evangelical. His writing is clear and insightful. In many places, he gives the interpretive options of others, weighing the credibility of each and making clear argument for his own. Any Greek discussion is made accessible to the novice. He makes constant note of OT allusions. The application is helpful as a sort of base, ground level significance, but honestly you probably wouldn't want someone getting too unique in these sections and have a bunch of people preaching the creative mind of one individual. I really appreciated having this one. Long story short, if I could only have one commentary on Mark, it would be Strauss' work here.
Strauss is good on the text and its meaning, though at points I wanted more detail. His theological and application sections are a little pedestrian, however. The way the text is displayed (trying to show the structure via layout) is more annoying than helpful.
This newer commentary set put out by Zondervan is an excellent series, and this volume on Mark by Mark L. Strauss is no different. Many of you will no doubt recognize Strauss, as he has labored in the field of NT studies for many years, producing substantial works on the gospels, choosing a translation of the bible, and his newest work is on paradoxes in the Bible. This work, coming in at the hefty weight of 784 pages, leaves no stone unturned as Strauss covers introductory matters, textual issues, commentary, and theology. The helpful layout of the book made for easy reading in that you could looking at the Scripture and Mark’s commentary alongside each other, comparing notes and engaging the original text in an accessible manner.
What I particularly enjoyed about this commentary was its judicious balance of weighing the importance of Mark’s narrative alongside cultural and grammatical insights. While Strauss bears witness to the importance of the term “gospel” for a Greco-Roman audience (enthronement of a king or emperor’s birthday), he helpfully points us to the OT usage where Isaiah envisions a time where the sovereign reign of God over the cosmos would endure and this would be predicated by peace (60). Strauss goes onto to connect this theme with Jesus’ preaching on the kingdom of God. While it is important to stress the Greco-Roman usage of gospel, Strauss helpfully steer us toward the ensuing narrative where John Mark talks about preparing for the messenger who will prepare the way for Jesus. This overarching narrative of God’s act of bringing his kingdom with a King is part and parcel of what it means that salvation is near.
In terms of the more disputed matters, Strauss take Markan priority, he sees Mark 16.9-20 as not part of the original text, and he focuses in on discipleship and Christology as providing the main lens in which to view Mark. His scholarship is impeccable, wide-ranging and fair to opposing sources. He references the Qumran scrolls, looks at cultural elements from Homer to rabbinic interpretations and carefully engages the latest NT scholarship.
I hope you will enjoy this volume and be encouraged by its words.
[Full Review]
gathers insights from historical criticism, social-scientific inquiry, and more literary interests.
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