Ephesians:  A Handbook on the Greek Text
Ephesians:  A Handbook on the Greek Text

Ephesians: A Handbook on the Greek Text

in Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament

by William J. Larkin, Jr

4 Rank Score: 4.04 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 210
Publisher Baylor University Press
Published 11/1/2009
ISBN-13 9781602580664
In this volume, William Larkin provides students with a reliable guide through the intricacies of the Greek text of Ephesians, introducing them to consensus views on matters of syntax, semantics, and textual criticism. In addition, the annotations contain references to current debates relating to the language of Ephesians. Larkins annotations demonstrate that linguistically informed analyses which have appeared in the last couple of decades frequently shed light on old questions.


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dacroteau dacroteau September 25, 2012
This is a very helpful resource if you are familiar with Greek grammar and syntax. While I don't agree with all the conclusions, the discussions are extremely helpful.