1 John, 2 John, 3 John
1 John, 2 John, 3 John

1 John, 2 John, 3 John

in Pentecostal Commentary

by John Christopher Thomas

5 Rank Score: 5.1 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 300 pages
Publisher Deo Publishing
Published 1/1/2017
ISBN-13 978-1-905679-21-8


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John Christopher Thomas is not just the author of this book but also the editor of the series in which it is included, The Pentecostal Commentary. The motivation for such an enterprise was to offer reasonably priced biblical commentaries to pastors, laity, and students written from the perspective of the Pentecostal tradition (ix). Since The Pentecostal Commentary Series is not intended for the halls of academia, Thomas writes in a popular style that aims at clarity. To wit, “[t]he aim is to communicate the meaning of the text, with minimal technical distractions” (ix). Hence, a prudent effort has been made to restrict the inclusion of any notes and apparatus to what is necessary for the reader’s understanding (xii). Contributors to the series are encouraged to engage in prayer for the project, seeking the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit, whose intercession is viewed as essential for interpretation. They have also been asked to contextualize their scholarship within the broader community of faith by covenanting with their local churches, asking for spiritual support, and (possibly) leading a Bible study on the book of scripture about which they will be writing for the commentary (x). [Full Review]