Genesis: Volume 2: A New Beginning : Chapters 12-36
Genesis: Volume 2: A New Beginning : Chapters 12-36
Genesis: Volume 2: A New Beginning : Chapters 12-36


in James Montgomery Boice Commentary Series

by James Montgomery Boice

4.63 Rank Score: 4.93 from 3 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 8 user libraries
Genesis: Volume 2: A New Beginning : Chapters 12-36
Pages 464 pages
Publisher Baker Books
Published 5/1/2006
ISBN-13 9780801066382
Genesis: Volume 1: Creation and Fall: Chapters 1-11
Pages 464 pages
Publisher Baker Books
Published 5/1/2006
ISBN-13 9780801066375
Genesis: Volume 3: Living By Faith: Chapters 37-50
Pages 464 pages
Publisher Baker Books
Published 5/1/2006
ISBN-13 9780801066399


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PastorTimothy72 PastorTimothy72 July 27, 2021
I have become a collector of commentaries ever since my seminary days in the 1990s. As such, I am only going to recommend the best overall commentary for each book of the Bible on this site. For Genesis, for the preacher/teacher, Boice's 3 volumes on Genesis is definitely the best out there. It matters not that his commentary is sermonic in nature because Boice tackles all the most significant issues in a theologically rich way and in a way that connects to the hearts and minds of readers. If you are a preacher who can have only one commentary on Genesis, get this one.
Joel R. Beeke Joel R. Beeke April 15, 2012
In Creation and Fall, Boice reveals the connection between the biblical account of creation and God’s plan of redemption. A New Beginning traces how God used less-than-perfect men—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—to change history. And Living by Faith follows ever-loyal Joseph, a “man for all seasons” and an example for Christians today. 464 pages each, three softcovers from Baker. [Full Review]
dr. tom dr. tom June 8, 2009
As all of Boice's "commentaries" are, these are really a collection of his sermons on these texts. It is not technical, but can still be very useful in generating thoughts in sermon preparation. He was especially good at making the narrative and/or characters come alive.